
Speed on my bicycle

What do you think how many km/h on my bicycle?
On my bicycle, I attached speed meter before this trip has started. It has worked well, but the display on avarage speed has broken two or three weeks ago. I think it is about 16-18 km now.
So in this time, I will explain what I feel on each speed and situation from bottom to up.

5km- when I push on the bicycle to the peak on a road: My twist is screaming.
10km-I can ride on my bicycle but still up to the top(about 7%) :work harder and will be my mustle pain
15km-a little bit up to the road or flat road against wind: I don't like this speed to continue more than 1o minute, I am close to shout!
20km-flat road or down on the road : comfortable!!
25km-down on the road: pretty good!!
30km-I don't need to move on my pedal: that's nice!!
35km-taking care to the cars because I am speedy: my world is opening!!
4okm-nobody can stop me, it depends on the gravety:just say ahaaaaaaa!!
45km-Are there any dogs can bite me?: who cares on your big mouth!!
50km-Everything is moving, I am moving on the earth: still working well.

And for the time being , my maximum speed was 59.5km!!
I want to break the wall of 60 km/h before I reach the wall of Berlin!! haha!!

Asuha Budapest ni tsukimasu.



  1. hahah I can see how you are excited about the "speed record" of you! Sounds really fun for me though. I would be as excited as you are if I were in your shoes!!!
    Dad called me tonight and he was like "you know that boy you told me about the other day, who is traveling from Istanbul.. Is he still on road??" and I was like "Sure!!! He is going to England, I told you that already!" He wishes you well, Kenny :)

    Anyways, you should send some emails sometime to TTC members as well as KG!!!

    Rina x

    p.s. Gijs found a gf!!!!!! He said she is very cute! Take some pics of them when you catch up with them!!!!

  2. I also enjoy record my bicycle's speed meter. My fastest record is now 56.5km. I will exceed your fastest record before too long and reach a speed of 60 kilometers a hour before you!!!!!
    ...I'm sorry that I became too exited now. Calm down... Let's emjoy speed concerning about avoiding traffic accident each other.

    "saka wo orirutokino kaze ha tamarannna~~yeah~~!"

  3. Rina,
    1.Nice to see your father! Next time when I go to Istanbul, I'll meet your father as a tourist... not ride on my bicycle.
    2.I will send a message for Tanaka trainer soon.
    3.To meke a girl friend,I still need a lot of time! I would take her and his picture!

  4. patica,
    Oh!! You can possible to over 60km if you go to mountain! But tell me when you over 60km/h!
    I'll come over soon because the Alps is waiting for me!! Take care!!
