
I Amsterdam

It took about one and half an hour from Copenhagen to Amsterdam. Flight from Copenhagen to Amsterdam sounds very light but I feel that this flight is only once in a life time! Short flight but it was cool!

To tell the truth, I don't like that much taking a flight with bicycle because I have to pack it everything at the airport and almost everybody watching me while I am packing on. After I got to the airport in CPH, I was taking a rest in front of a KLM counter before started to packing eating some foods which I carry with to reduce. Then a man (I think he is from French just because his English sounds like French-English) came to the counter complaining something about his flight which has already gone. I missed the direct reason why he got some trouble with his flight but he told to the woman like this
"Why should I have to pay for 380 Euro to take another flight to Paris? This is not my fault!! You should pay for me!! That´s not my fault!! You have responsible for that, right? "
He insisted that KLM should pay for his another flight to take in order to go back to Paris because the reason to miss the flight was not his fault. And as far as I heard he worked immigration and that's why he know what it is working about those system to flight and everything. He was flighting with two women at the counter with his very strong anger. I was watching what is going on just besides the counter drinking the rest of rose. About 15 minutes to fight he or her finally decided to talk with a cheaf or the person who have responsibility more than that of the woman at the counter. Later, the cheaf came and started to talk the situation and what he was facing with. About 10 minutes later they finally make a conclusion that KLM might pay for his another flight just because I though that he is no more anger to. Instead I drunk.

The thing which I thought during the conversation between them people in Europe they have a strong power to talk and insist that if they think that is true. I reraly see the similar situation in Japan any other than my father.

After packing them up to the flight I headed for the check-in counter to pass the gate. I know the some people in airport they are pretty cold for the costmer especially like me who looks like stranger. I am not the person who don't want to make an argument to the people with strong passion but I sometimes do. In order to avoid the situation and thinking those complicated situation easily I drunk a little bit of wine. Before going to the counter I had to check-in on display in front of the check-in and I didn't know that. The person told me "You should do first to check-in with that machine." And I said "OK! I understand. But what do you think that my bike is OK to take a flight to? I didn't know about how to pack my bike in order to suit of your rule. Well, that's OK!"
When I came to the machine I didn't know how to use but I tried and confused! Then I asked the person who looks like a costmer service and he told me like that "Your check in over you should go to the counter" but when I was in line someone told me "Who is Yuji Takahashi? Japanese right?" The person who was at the machine called my name and I forgot the tage for my luggede and I rose my hand! He came to me"Are you Yuji Takahashi? That's yours!" And I said "That's what I was asking you!" And he said "Sorry! But this is for you!!"

I was a littele bit frustrating of that situation but I kept on the process to be checked in! When my turn came, the man at the counter told me "Is it OK for you to pack your bicycle like that? Because we cannot assure that you're bike all the way safe to Amsterdam because of the less attention for packing." I was a little bit angry because they didn't say the same thing even though they are sitting on the same counter and I said "what? the guy who is sitting next to you didn't say the same as you told me!" He told me again "You should make a sign here in order to keep this process which the sign means that we have no responsible for your bike if it's broke down!" And I said "What kind of option do I have then?" He told me that you can buy a cardbord to pack it up to be safe. I made a sign not to repack again. I didn't feel like that they are professional of that process.
After check-in I headed for the cheking the luggedge into the plain. Different from the former flight this is the international one which is a little bit strict rule to bring the luggede to the airplain. I though that it is posibble to take a can of beer in but it didn't. That's what I drunk a beer before the check and one left at the garbege. To tell the truth, I left some Denish Kr which I had no idea to use and it makes a problem for me to carry because it is heavy that's why I changed it to the beer on the plain but didn't to carry on. Since the limited capacy on my luggedge I had to put on my shirts, sweter and pants as much as I can at that time. With a lot of luggede. When my turn came, the person who is cheking told me that "You should come with me!" I brought to a small room to check. He told me "You should put off your cloths and pants and show us what you have." They checked everything what I had with a small bag at that time. After that they found some bicycle tool out of my luggedge and told me "You are not allowed to carry this one!" And I asked them "Well what kind of option do I have?" "Either left here or back to the check-in counter to send it with your luggedge." I decided to carry on because I need them to pack my bike at Amsterdam. I went to the same check-in counter where I was checked in and that time it was easy-going because he know me and easily understand the situation. That was nice! Then the second time I manage to go through the luggedge counter without any problem. I took a flight to Amsterdam then.

After I got to the airport, I thought it might be possible to stay at the airport at that night. Actually, I asked people who are working at the airport and they told me that I can stay at. I stared to sleep with matress and sleeping bags after I bulit my bicycle. Then a police at the airport came to me and asked what I was doing there asking like "Hello! what are you doing here?" "And I answerd I am trying to sleep in here since my flight was late and tomorrow I will leave to the city center!" Then he said "OK! You can stay here but around 6-7 in the mornig you should wake up because a lot of people came." Then I started to sleep after silence came. Around 4 pm. somone woke me up saying "Hello". I was still sleeping but I was wake up quickly because I though stranger came to me. The guy was another police and he said "You cannot sleep in here you should go out around 5am. Before you can stay!" That's why I had to wake up at 5am with frustration for sleeping. I was sleepy.

5pm at the airport with built bicycle, I had no idea what to do because it was raining and dark and then I finally decided to take a train to the city center! It only for 15km or so but I had no power to get on the way with rain I feel like I am tired still.

Amsterdam is amazing! So beautiful city with lovely cannal. A lot of water came into the city. I was wondering yesterday the place where I going to sleep because I didn't want to make up my tent in the city and tried to sleep in the youth hostel or something. I visited some places to stay and asking for a room to stay. I found some room but all rooms shifting more or less 35 Euro which was a little bit over my budget and then I finally decided to ask the camping site where is located 5km from the city center! Yesterday it was a lot of rain but I finally feel confortable to st
ay there.(feel like safe!)
During this journey, I had a lot of question by myself either to stay at the camping site or wild camp but not between camping site and hostle. Still, I have a power to stay at camping site which cost less than 10 Euro. that's suitable for me. When I was in Finland camping site normally cost 15 Euro (Of course it was high season!) Here it feels a little bit cheaper than that.
Now it looks like the sun came! I am going out to explor this lovely city!!

Yuji @ Amsterdam, Netherlands


  1. ふむ、アムステルダム。そこは去年だか乗り換えで母ちゃんもいったねえ。2時間くらい町にもでたけど、夏祭りの時で混雑していて、スキンヘッドのオランダ人のでかい男が何だかゲイみたいにたくさんいて、母ちゃんや嫌になったといっていたよ。

  2. Yes it is a lot of gay people in Amsterdam!! I am not a gay but it's seems like that people can say freely "I am gay". The country is very liberal. I impressed this society. Two thing, I will go to Paris before taking a ferry to England!! And the camping site cost 15 Euro when I was in Finland in a high season. The camping sight in Amsterdam cost 6.5 Euro(10 in a high) which is not too expensive. Here, everything is a little bit cheaper than Finland. Both country use Euro that is easy to compare. After Finland to Denmark I was in the world of Krone. N-S-DK But now, I came to the world of Euro before England, right?

  3. There is a ferry boat from Den Hoek (The Hook) Holland to UK. I like the overnight ferry. You have to buy a room on the boat at night. The room is nice with shower and toilet. It is cheaper than a hotel. Take an early train so that you can rest more on the boat. I think at Amsterdam station you can buy a train+ferry ticket. Good luck

  4. Terry,
    Oh! I got a new option! I didn't hear about that! Sounds nice to take a ferry to England even from Netherland! I will be in Rotterdam today!
