
Jump into the Lake and back and force to Sauna

My right leg has started to pain again after riding on my bike for about 70 km.

When I was riding on my bike with no pain, I felt like nothing especially even if it was best condition. But once I have injoured my leg, I couldn't do it as I did before. Well... even if my condition is best except for my right leg.

Yesterday, I went to a Sauna at a lake near Pori with my host and his friends. It was my first time to going to Sauna in Europe. In Finland, traditionally Sauna is a part of their life and they often to enjoy it. Sauna itself it was quite similar that I took in Japan but it had not a automatically heat, that means that we need to make fire to keep the room warm. We were 6 student altogether in Sauna with suimming suits. I forgot it actually and I need to take my underware to hide the symbol. But, my host, for example he was nakid even if there were some girls! They didn't make an attention to it.
After 5-10 minutes in the room, we are getting warmer and warmer! And finally we couldn't bear it and get out of the room, then jumped into the lake. The cottage which we stayed was connected to the lake with road made of woods. We enjoyed warming up in the Sauna as well as swimming in the lake. I am not a good swimmer, even if so, I barely swam in the lake.

By the way, one thing which I amazed in Finland was that all the student after graduate from their high school, they need to go to army service. (We, in Japan, don't have that system after the second world war) Almost all the student of a university who I met in here, they have already experienced army training before entrance in their university. What I want to say is that army training is really important to keep the country safe? One the one hand, we can keep our country safe if we have an army as a self-defence. Because, we can easily make an army when it happens and have a system for fight. On the other hand, we spend a lot of money and energy to make a lot of gum or other equipment for fighting. Historically, there were a lot of invation from Russia and Germany as well as civil war in Finland, that is one of the reason why they, government tries to take a training for everybody, I think.
We normally think that those wars which we, in the world, have experienced in the 19th century will never happens for the future. On that point, we don't need to make a force to fight. Even if it might be true, some country like North Korea, Middle eastern countries as well as African countries, they might be make an key to war as we saw in Afganistan and Irap as well.
This is not a easy to make an conclusion for few time but I hope that the world would shifting for disamament to keep the world safty.

Yuji @ Pori, FIN

Going not to farther is the best way to keep my journey at the moment


  1. こちらは、その翌日には利尻島を散歩して、さっさと帰ってきましたよ。東京は暑いねえ。ところで、オバマが長崎広島で平和宣言(来日するわけじゃないと思うが)して、世界の核廃絶宣言で、長崎広島も賛同して世界も協力歓迎するこの8月になっているのだが、天皇が公式に長崎広島を訪問するよりも、オバマの方が先にこの両都市に接近したわけだ。これは戦後の日本の戦争認識が放棄されたことのもっとも顕著な例なのだが、理解できる人は少ないんだよ、分かるか?

  2. sptaka,
    It is not easy for me to understand what you want to say. But, I think historically both Nagasaki and Hiroshima are regarded as an important memorial city of war. And the first parson who visit those city has been always Tennou(the Empere) to be able to pray for the deceast in every year or so. Different from that custom, this year, Obama is earlier than Tennou to visit there, right? Well, I heard when I went to Hiroshima that it was hard to tell and try to understand how war and atomic bomb were influenced on Hiroshima to younger generation. This is one of the feature of it, isn't it? And not all the people in Japan doesn't noticed it.
    In general, people in Japan have less attention for politics or the influence from overseas compared to that in Europe. One of the reason is that we live in an island but we need to make an attention before too late.

  3. ん~、広島長崎で被爆した人は、どうしてこんな悲惨なことになったのか、その原因はどこにあるのかと考えた場合、本当は昭和天皇ヒロヒトに一番大きな責任がある(第二次大戦を開戦させたのはこの人だ)。二番目に原爆を落としたアメリカに大きな責任があると考えている(いくら戦争でもここまでひどいことをやるな)。ところが戦後処理はこの責任問題をいい加減にしてきた。

  4. Ok, now I got it!
    Obama, I don't know what he is thinking about it but, he seems to be a smart guy, isn't it?
