
Why not get married with my sister?

I think this is my first time to be said from the person seriously that I want to get married with you.

This is a kind of greeting in Africa and a lot of people may be said few times while you are staying in Africa.

So, this is a kind of example.

On this Tuesday, I went to  language centre with other members. This was the fifth day of the language lesson. So, this was the last day. At the last part of the lesson, there was a test and everybody must take it. There were three test in total; the one in general speaking (self-introduction), at a restaurant and at a market. When I finished the latter two tests I met my teacher coincidentally at a room with a lady.

Teacher asking me naturally and he said.

T: "Have you got married?"

K: "No, I haven't."

T: "What about African woman?"

K: "What?? Well, never thought seriously, but I think it's fine."

T: "Think about Japan, is it possible to bring your wife if you got married in Africa?"

K: "Yes, it is. It's possible."

T: "So, what do you think about her?"

And, he looked at a lady who is sitting next to the table.

K: "As a wife?"

T: "Yes. Yesterday she told me about you. So I thought in case of you."

K: "Well, it's hard to answer because I don't know much about her and it's important to love each other when I get married."

T: "Don't you like her?  Won't she pretty?"

K: "No, she is pretty. But what I said it's need a time to love and think. And I will stay in Uganda for the next two years. I need a time to think about that."

T: "Yes, you're right. So, please think about her."

K: "Yes, I will."

Few seconds passed...

K: "If I say yes, what I am supposed to do."

T: "Of course, you have to buy some cows and other things in order to get married."

I felt that I touched with their greetings and culture but at the same time I also felt that I saw how their life is hard and they want to change the situation what they are facing with.


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