
5000km for 2 months

Two months has passed since when I was started of my journey.
And the distance from Istanbul to here in Lituania is 5000km correctly.

What I felt about this numbers are that it is very faster than I thought.
Probably, now is the almost the half passed of my journey. So, I will review my plan which I made before this journey.

As it were, the porpose of this journey is:

1. To be able to speak English as well as Germany and French

2. To make my communication skills better and better

3. To decide my future plan in detail

The first porpose is language. My English skills probably getting better and better. I learned it from people who I met and a book titled"Future Positive", which is for studying Global Politics.

But I still haven't read it all. I need to spend a lot of time to read that book. And sometimes I listening to Beatles and Radio to practice my English skills. It works well. In short, my English teacher are person who I met in Europe, Michel Edwars, the writer of that book and the Beatles.
Unfortunately, two languages still untouched......

The second target is to make my communication skills better. Still, I sometimes worried about what I was thought from the person who is talking to me. But those idea will be getting vanish. That is one of a Japanese identity such as sitting on a house with smiling. It was sugessted from my teacher was that 3s in Japanese, that is, Smile, Sleep and....(Iforgot the another one). Those S should be changed to Smart, Speak and Speed. Still not enough because of my English skills but it may be better than before I guess. Tell me when you meet me again.

The third plan is the most important one of my life as well as journey. What I noticed after I started of this trip is that I won't live whole my life as a traveler or advencurer such as Naomi Uemura. I met a lot of people who travels through not only Europe but also Asia or Afica all over the world. Some people quit their job for the porpose of their journey. Everytime when I hear those stories I thought that I won't be those people. Of couse I like travel but I want to solve a lot of problems we are facing with such as poverty, conflict and climate change. But, what I noticed through traveling is that I can't help people unless I can stand and eat bymyself.

It is important for me to work as a United Nations officer but at the same time, working to live and making a family also important.

Without Love and Money, we won't live long enough.

Yuji at Lithuania

PS. Today I stayed at a house of a family who I met glosary store. He asked me whether I will stay at his house or not. I really moved that offer.


  1. そうそう、アメリカの中西部、シカゴとかデトロイトには、ポーランドからの移民が相当多いねえ。人口構成の3番とか4番に出てくる。どうもこの国は、1700年代にロシア、ドイツに攻められて国が消滅しただとか、1800年代にはナポレオンに救われた後にフランスに逃げたと言われるが、その頃に相当数がアメリカに亡命というか、新大陸のフロンティアに出たようだ。何しろ年間に百万人以上がアメリカに入っている。他にアイルランド、ドイツ北欧もアメリカに多い。アイルランドなんて、この頃人口が半減(400万人減)しているからねえ。その頃フランス、スペインは外にでる必要はあまりなかったのかも知れないねえ。ヨーロッパとアメリカの関係は深いなあ。

  2. sptaka,
    Half of the citizen who lives in Latovia from Russia I heard, only few people from Russia live in Lithuania. But, there was no border of this continent!
