Student teachers has come since this week. This is a program for them to become a teacher as we did in Japan. I was surprised to hear that student teachers they teach during the daytime, starting from 8:30a.m to 4:00p.m. Since school has to keep their time to teach, I had no lesson during the daytime. Even though I have to teach math for P6, I decided to teach in early morning and late evening.
From last Tuesday, I started go to school at 7:00a.m and taught them if there is no teachers to teach. We, the teahcers made a timetable but I told pupils like this;
"I come at 7:00a.m. every moring for the lessons and started to teach from 5:30p.m to 6:30p.m."
Whether they understand my reason or not, I much come to teach them, otherwise I won't finish all topics of P6 within the term.
In addition, I have just started to teach on Saturdays.
What I concern is that I'm not sure if they come on time. Like today, I came to school at 8:00a.m as I told them last evening, but no one was there. The first pupil came at 8:10am, then, one third of the class came up to 9:30. That is why, I started my lesson at 9:30. I didn't have enough time to teach today, but I think it is importnat to try encourage them to attend the lesson.
Though those student teachers will come for the next three weeks I hope I will find out what I should do during the daytime and keep teaching during those two durations of a day.
Kenya @ Jinja
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