This is the first English book I finished reading since I came to Uganda. The title of this book is "A good African Story : how a small company built a global coffee brand" written by Andrew Rugasira, who is an entrepreneur founded an Ugandan company called Good African Coffee. He was born in Uganda and studied in UK. After finished master degree in University of Oxford, he came back to Uganda and started his business. From his study, he had some doubt about development aid. For the past fifty years, the World Bank, UN and other birateral organizations have granted and lent huge amout of money but it hasn't worked well. In that view point, he started to think to embark a business which is related to local people aiming at a trade with a fair price. As a result of his effort as well as his colleagues, he finally started retail business in UK after S. Africa. His coffee business bloomed, finally. Then, he also started a retail business in the U.S though he struggled some hard situations.
After finishing to read this book, I understood how hard to embark a business in Africa and how hard to make the businness, especially when it comes to compete in the capitalism. As he pointed out through the book, of course capital is importnat but perseverance is more importantly than the capital. He never gave up to keep pushing up his business. I think that perseverance was the key to success in his business. Because of he and his team's effort, coffee famers got a certain amount of money by selling coffee (it should have given them). Lastly, as he told the reader that poverty is not only a lack of money but also a lack of oppertunity. From this view point, I could understand why he made SACOO for famers.
The Andrew's way of thinking to help people in the village is very logical and well estimated.
Since I can even find his coffee in the supermarket in Jinja, I am going to buy the coffee not only to enjoy the taste but also to help the poeple in Kasese, where their Arabica coffee is from.
Kenya @ Jinja