
Bodø VS Tromsø

The football match between Bodø and Tromsø held at the yesterday evening in Bodo. I was paticipated in that game as a supported in Bodo with my host and their friend.
To tell the truth, I am not the person who know much about football league and environment in Norway but as I heard from them both Bodo and Tromso has been a rival because only those two cities belongs to a top football league in Norway. What is another interesting thing is that there is one Japanese football player called"Daigo Kobayashi", who is playing one of a foot ball team in Norway and I haven't heard about his name before when I came to here. Almost everyone who like football they know about "Kobayashi", which feels like that people are not get used to Japanese football player in Norway.

Actually, it doesn't matter if either Tromsø or Bodø win the match because I am traveler. But I should say that I am the person who support to Bodø as long as I was sitting on a seat at Bodø side.(I will say standing) 90min. in a whole game, we have been standing to be able to suppot for the Bodø and which feels that I am a person who is supporting to Bodø. To tell the truth, I haven't expected that I have to support whole time of the game with standing off the seat, which remind me of the baseball match at my university. There is a league so-called "baseball match of six university" which has been held in every spring and autum, some students who like baseball game they goes to the studium to support their university. The reason to support is very simple I am the student at Hosei University that's why I am supporting to my university instead of Waseda or Rikkyo university, which are one of the six.
The thing that I have done is here was the same feeling that I have done in that baseball game. I am or my host supporting to Bodø because they are living in the city. Even though the studium itself was very small but most of the supporters are from Bodo and some supporters from Tromsø. Just before the game, we saw a big flags of the Tromsø supporters from the seat and supporters in Bodø started to make sounds to show that we don't like you!, which feels really similar to us. Population in both city has 40,000 in Bodo and 65,000 in Tromso which means both of the city is so small but they make a small society. People who makes a game was only eleven players in both side of the team but I feels like that supporters make and enjoyed to support their team which belongs to the city, which was very at home! We, in Japan also have that kind of professional league and we have a team in Tokyo, but mostly players in the team from the other part of Japan or overseas, which is hard to have a motivation that I want to support for the team just because I am from Tokyo. Normally either baseball or football, people who want to support of the team is because he or she have a player that they want to support not be based on the city.

1-1 was the score of the game. After the game atmosphere at the studium was a little bit depressed because we didn't win the game. I feels like not bad because we could catch to the Tromso after we gave a goal to the Tromsø about 88 min. and we managed to make an goal at the loss time, which was very fine!

Studium is located at a part of the city and the game feels like one of a entertaiment for the weekend.

One studium, one station, one hospital, one library, one university, one or two place where we can see whole city. If I can compare to Tokyo, we have 23 district in the center of Tokyo. My place is located one of the district which similar to Bodo or Tromsø as my experience. Here, I can strongly feel like that I am in a city that is different feeling which I had at my place. Actually, I prefer to this kind of small place where we can feel it to the city and confortable to live!!!

Yuji @ 6th days in Bodø, Nordland, Norway

PS. I will leave for Oslo tomorrow morning hoping for warm tempreture!


  1. おい、ノルウェーフットボールと言ったって、サッカーだろうね。サッカーと言え。フットボールというと、アメフトが世界標準で、UKは両方やっているから、フットと、ラグビーなんていう英語使うんか。サッカーはサッカーじゃ。ゆとりめ。

  2. Hey Kobayashi san is on Youtube!



  3. sptaka,
    Football is used for instead of soccer in Europe, which is commonly used those countries where I have been! I don't know how they people in UK call it, probably soccer! But here is not in UK neither United States! I will call it football! We got a influence from the States, right?
