
Northernmost point in Europe

I met Steffen who is from Germany we decided to go to northernmost point in Europe.

We took a bike from Hanningsburge where is 30 km south from Nordkapp. In the afternoon of that day, (actually it was three days ago) we started to go to the northernmost point instead of north cape. The point is very close to the north cape. When people try to get there, they need to start to walk from 7 km from northcape and then to walk for 3 hours. The day we were very tired because the day before we couldn't sleep well to talk with him as well as a couple from Poland.

We started to walk from that point at 4pm and then to walk to the camping place which we heard from Polish couple because it is the place that it is good to put a tent. We met a one couple from Germany they were worried about us because it was too late and especially when we said that we are going to sleep in a tent they said "What ? There is only stones and wet !" We felt that it was very strange and conservative. After few second, we also met two guys from Poland. One of them I don't know why but the guy have a round thing. Then we asked him "what is that one?" But he couldn't say anything. After him the another guy followed and said " We got a metal from northernmost point in Europe". And we thought again that what is the strange guy quite a lot on the way! But that was the last group who we mat during the whole trip to northernmost point.

On our first plan was to get to the northermost point but we couldn't and it was too late. So we decided to stay the place that we found near the coast that we heard from Polish couple, who had already passed of that way. We checked the weather for tomorrow that was supposed to fine. After putting on our tent we soonly started to sleep hoping for the weather.

The next day, yesterday, the weather was very fine as we expected! We wake up at 10 am , it was a little bit late and started make for a walk to northernmost point in Europe. We get there in 30 minutes from the camping place and we finally get there! The place was quiet and nothing especially but it was suitable for that place different from rial noth cape, I guess there should be a tourist place. I felt that I couldn't go farther anymore. Generally, I all the way came up to here from Islanbul to north more or less, but the way going up to north was end in yesterday. From now on I am going down to south even though latitude is quite high for these one month. One thing that I noticed on the way back from the point was that the sun is getting faster to set. I am not sure actual time when the sun going down to the horizen but I think it is before 8 pm.

Even though we couldn't have enough time to go to north cape but for me it was tortally OK because firstly I don't like so much of touristic place. Moreover north cape is not rial northernmost point. And I was really feel like good to hike the point even thouth I though people who want to take there, they must be strabge!


  1. ついにノールカップに到着しましたか。日本で言えば知床で、どちらも大して人は住んでいませんよ。北の極地。一般の観光だと、オスロ辺りから飛行機で接近していくツアーがあったと思うけど、父ちゃんはノルウェーそんなに北まで行ってませんね。これからいよいよ南下で、ノルウェーの山越え、フィヨルド渡りが始まります。トロンハイム~ベルゲン辺りが楽しいと思うが。

  2. Thank you for your advice! Quite a lot of people take a bus from Hanningsburg to Nordkapp. It last only for half an hour even though we took for about 3 hours by bike.
    Still I have a choice down to Sweden but most probably I am going down to Oslo along the coast. I just heard that I might possible to watch northern light if I am lucky! Anyway, I am supposed to be a hard bike days!
    PS. Today I spend a wonderful time with 2 girls from Slovenia, one couple from Israel, me and Steffen as well as our great host, Arnt! I am very fine!

  3. ノルウェーの最高峰は、ソグネフィヨルドの水源辺りのガルヘピッゲンという2400mの低いと思われる山だが、しかしそれは海抜ゼロからそそり立つ山だから、標高差と言う点で、案外見るべきものがある。山は高度だけだと世界中がヒマラヤに敵わないという話になるが、それは間違いで、こうした海岸線から2400mの山というのも、それなりに大きな価値と魅力があるということを理解できないと、登山愛好家としては実に偏った考えを持つことになる。その意味で、ノルウェーの山をそれなりに正しく評価できることは、かなり大事なことになっているわけだ。

  4. そういえば悠史のPCってどうすんだ?ウィルスバスターも切れたと手紙がきたし、たまにONしてアップデートとかしないと、使えなくなるかもしれんが。 

  5. Of course, I want to use it again after when I back home. Please keep it that I can use it again! Trust you!
