So, this time I am trying to thought about what I have experienced during this trip as my calculator!
0km Istanbul, Turkey
That was starting point of my journey and that was one of beautiful city in Europe or even Asia. I thought that Istanbul is the starting point or border between Europe and Asia, that is the reason why I choose Istanbul as the first place of this journy. At that time, I had other cities as a starting point actually. Those places were Sanfransisco in CA, Araska, Australia(couldn't find out the city) , and Helsinki and Moskow. Anyway, I am still believing the place where I have chose was best! Actually, people in Turkey were quite gentle for me even if they and I couldn't speak in English very well. Without words we could communicate with each other! I want to go there again someday!
2,000km Timishoara, Romania
Timishoara is one of the place that I remenbered it clearly because I staied with Cristina and she was student and nice host! In Romania, the Jesus is quite familiar with the citisen and we went to Church for the porpose to pray for it. Actually, I don't have any religion but I can pray for the God as I did in Japan and I did the same style in Istanbul. City was quite developed and there was some shopping moal for the people. But not everybody can buy something from there because of the place. To be able to adapt for the everybody living in there, time is needed.
4,000km Plonsk, Poland
Plonsk? I need a map to be able to find out where is Plonsk but my bike recorded 4000km in there, anyway. I think Plonsk is somewhere on my way to Warszawa. Just on the way, and that's it, unfortunately!
6,000km Talsi, Latvia
The name Talsi barely reminded me where was that and what I did in there. I just made my tent to be able to sleep near the main road. When I was in there, I tried to go through the Baltic sea to have fun in there and how different color they have compared to Gdansk in Poland. The night I slept in a glass and it was close to the rail. That is why I forced to wake up in the middle of the night because of the noise from Train, anyway.
Oh, I made a mistake that Talsi is not a city what I thought! I thought that it was Lithuania anyway I left it here.
Sorry! Talsi is a small countryside city, so called. I stayed a house which I know through the internet and actually he couldn't host me in there because he studies in Riga, the capital of Latvia. That's why his father hosted me for one night with special meal! He speaks Germany and Latvian, Polish as well as Russia. Unfortunately, his couldn't speak English that much and I could speak any language which he could. Barely, I can understand Germany and we could communicate with each other but anyway as I told you without language we could really communicate with, that was nice! He brought me to hill of the Talsi and there was a huge wooden tower to be able to watch the enermy when was the war time. We climb up to the top but it was moving all the time because of the wind and I was really afraid of it if it would fall down. Anyway that was a nice memory of my journey. And the next day in the morning, I tried to use skype to be able to contact to my friend and celebrate to the party of my seminar, I would say it. Actually, the seminar is neither my department nor faculity. Just I take the lesson because it was really interested in me of the study in sociology as well as the teacher! The teacher, Prof. Tanaka he is very young for me, I think he is 30s or so and always active and intelligent, that is why I learned a lot from him as well as his seminar students. Before, coming to here they and he cerebrated me to go in a nice bar(we call it Izakaya) in Ikebukuro. Just I imagined and had really fun!
Anyway, I enjoyed staying there!
8,000km Kokkola, Finland
Now I am in here!! Kokkoka is located 120 northeast from Vaasa and 200km southeast to Oulu, city itself is quite small but some part has so called old wooden house. The painting of those house is normally red, it is originally from the rever of the fish which they caught from the sea I heard. Yesterday I stayed with a house of woman & her dauther, which is located 3 km away from the central Kokkola and her house was wooden house, amazingly! I stayed with a room which was in upstairs and somethig like between the floor and roof. It riminded me ex-my apartment which I had stayed for two years before this trip to be able to go to my school. It is located Kagurazaka, one of the central city in Tokyo and I can go to school about 20 minutes by walk and 10 minutes by bicycle. Between my school and apartment there was a shop which I worked so called MacDonal'd at Iidabashi Station, anyway. If I were in there, I am still working in there. But I am going to find new part-time job when I get back to Japan, maybe English teacher is the best choise to keep my English is better and for my study as well!
Now, I am going to find a city which will record 10,000km from Istanbul, hopefully somewhere in Norway!
Yuji @ Kokkola, Karleby(Swe), FIN
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