Because of bad weather following 2-3 days, I have stayed at a cottage which is located between Kittila and Inari. The way to get here has supposed to 2 nights but it actually took for 4 nights to came up to here. Here is a city, Inari, one of a biggest city or town of northern part of Lapland and a lot of people visit to here to touch the culture of Sami, who are native people living in Lapland such as Ainu, who are native people in Hokkaido, which is northern island of Japan. But, I think there is no reindeer, anyway...
Actually, I stayed at the cottage for 3 nights and had nothing to do because of the rain! The cottage is owned by someone in order to spend their summer or winter holiday, probably. But now, nobody is living so I can use there. Normally, those cottages which are owned by someone has a key to lock it but the cottage which I found was no key to enter. That's why I could use it for three nights. In the cottage, there was a electricty and a place for making a fire. The day when I got there was a little bit cold especially when had a rain, so I made a fire inside the cottage. I made a coffe and potate to eat, that was enough reason to stay there. From Kittila to Inari was about 200km tortally and there was quite less traficc especially if there is unpaved road. So, I will try to explain what I did in there.
The first night, I found the cottage but at the same time there was a lot of cottage which had locked. I was wondering if I get inside another one, so I was confirmede those cottages if I could enter. Finally, I found only two cottages which allowed to enter. And I decided the cottage because it was clean and seemed comfortable. As I told you above, I made those hot meal and stayed there for overnight. The weather was so good and I was planed to left for tomorrow.
But, when I work up the next day in the morning, the rain had started and I decided to stay for whole day even though the rain itself wasn't too strong. Following my schedule, I have a extra day for emergency or taking some rest. So, I made up for it before getting to Inari. It was quiet and nobody would come. In the afternoon, the rain has stopped, actually but still sky was covered by cloud and a little bit windy. So, I finally decided to stay there. But, one thing that I was conserning was that I didn't have enough water to stay even though I had a lot of bread and vegetables. To be able to stay long there, I finally decided to boil a water to drink from rain. I did it and drunk it, but my stomack has started to a thin pain. Almost all afternoon, I spend to read a book, Future Positive and listening to music both Beatles and Creiderman. As I did in the last night, I made a hot meal and then to sleep hopeing for a good weather for the next day.
The day third has come and I cleaned up for everything which I used in there and tried to left for Inari but the rain started again and I have no choice but to stay there. Actually, I pulled my sleeping bag from my bike and started to sleep again hopeing for clear up soon. If the weather is better in 2-3 hours, I was tried to go farther but didn't. Finally, I stayed in there for whole day as I did the day before. The day was really nothing to do, I read the book and sleep and eat but good for a rest. During the evening, I took a video by myself trying to check how my English skill has been better than before. Actually, it works well better than before. But, at the same time, I felt that I need more and more time needed to speak in English as a native speaker as well as logical thinking.
The next day, today at 5 am I woak up and started to go! The sun has come even though there were still a lot of cloud in the sky. For 4-5 hours, I kept riding on a bike with a little break and finally I could get to here, Inari but now I am quite sleepy because of the early day.
The one thing that I noticed from the day in which I spend there was that it is very hard to live without anyone in a house or even in a village for one week or so. Even I spend only four nights but I was a little bit missed for something or someone who can talk with me regardless of their language or nationality. I had nothing to do without making a meal, reading a book, listening to music and sleeping. I haven't been such a kind of experience bofore but it was hard to regurate that something that I wanted to do. From this case, I had been longing for keep going to Inari.
From now on, I am heading for north cape for about one week and maybe or hopefully I will cross a border to Norway on 2nd of September. My leg seems to be fine because of the rest and I got a water and food.
See you next time from Norway & thank you for the owner of that cottage!
Yuji @ Inari, Lapland
Coming to Uganda as a Primary School Teacher. I'm a member of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers(JOCV), related to ODA.

The first met to them was on the way to Pello from Rovaniemi even though at Rovaniemi they have plenty of reindeer but they are using for tourism. Summer season in particular, they are living in a forest and they will get back to their home in winter time. That's why I couldn't even one reindeer during for two days at Rovaniemi.
The day when I met to a reindeer was the day when I left to Pello. The reindeer was in a fence but it was open to a forest. It is not easy to find Reindeers if I just riding on a bike but I finally could find it! As soon as I saw that one, I was dropped from my bike and started to take a picture. I was really exited!! Even I called it "Ton-chan", that was a stuffed reindeer at my house. However, the reindeer was so shy even he/she couldn't get run way but trying to leave from me with kept eye watching. Then, I follow it as the same pace that I was watching. But reindeers are used to walking in a forest and I finally lost it and stopped to follow. Otherwise, it might be get lost and hard to back.
The next day, to Pellow I saw a group of reindeers, that was 4-5 in the morning. They were walking in a forest and trying to pass the road of asphalt. When I saw them, they were also a little bit afraid of me and fast to move. But when I stopped to take some pictures they also stopped to see what I was doing on the road. So nice! After few seconds, a car came from the opposite direction. Then, they started to move into the forest.
Yesterday from Pello to came up to Kolari, I also saw some reindeer in a camp site inside a fence. Even that camp site itself didn't work but they are just living in. One of a reindeer which I saw in there was white and some were children. They were quite friendly to me. When I approach to them to a fence they came to me and say "hello". They didn't be afraid of me what I was doing (normally I just take a picture) . At the camp site, there were no one insight that was free park to see reindeer as it were. After taking some rest, I said "good-bye" to them, they were kept looking with lovely eyes.
Then, today I saw also a group of reindeers near the road to Kittila. I thought that they would be run away if I try to approach them as I did before. That's why I started to think what is the best way to approach them. Firstly, I tried to them feel safe to have some distance to. When I off from my bike, they noticed that I stopped. Then, I sitting on the road to be able to tell them I am not stranger! Even I tried to do so, one of reindeer stood up and to watch me what that stranger is, probably. Maybe, that reindeer, white one was the leader of the group. And then, after few minute, I started to approach them to walk with my leg and hand as baby do. That was the 30m to them. But they noticed that a stranger tried to approach us and other reindeer also stood up and to watch me. Finally, they started to walk to the different direction which I was coming. I didn't move at that moment. And then they stopped to move to look me again. I started to take some pictures and finally they came to the road and cross it to the other side.
Almost every day that I have a chance to see it but I still need a time to make a good friendship with them. Normally, they make a small group and walking in a forest to eat some glass and take some rest. As for their meat, only once when I was in Helsinki, I ate the meat of it. That was dry meat and taste was quite light but it taste like good with beer, anyway. Another way is that we can also buy from a shop the canned meat or meat, which is same as cow and chikin, probably (Both I never done). By the way , it was so cute and I still didn't have a chance to buy stuffed reindeer but I have already decided the name of it, that is Poro, means reindeer in Finnish. Some people say that reindeer is one of a foolish animal but I don't think that is from my experience. I will try to take a picture w

Yuji @ Kittila
PS. A friend of my host in Kittila has been to Japan in this summer and I saw some pictures which she took in Japan. One of the picture showed deer in Nara park. That was very friendly to people and they have also nice horn than I thought! It is not a big differences between them.
However, the value of reindeer is that they are living in a forest at one of the coldest place in the world and it is not easy to see like those deers in the park. Or should I make some "reindeer-sembei" in Finland?
Love of Family
Today I got to Pello, which has two cities both Finland and Sweden side. Interestingly, between Finland and Sweden they have one hour of time differences.
At Rovaniemi I met a Santa Claus, he must be one of the famous person in the world even though a lot of people in Japan they don't really know where he is living. He lives so called in Santa village, which is located 8km north from the central Rovamiemi. After I passed a reception to meet Santa Calus, I finally could meet him. He was sitting on a chair with his costume as I thought so. The first question of his was " Where are you from? " and then I answered "I am from Japan." I thought that he is trying to say hello in Japanese but he couldn't easily remember. Even after I notice that he couldn't say hello in Japanese, I couldn't say anything just because I wanted to know if he could possible to say it or not. After few seconds, he finally said "Konnichiwa!" That was really cool!
After several dialogue that I did over and over time during this journey, we started to take a picture. And then, we started talking again and for couple of minutes and say good-bye. I don't know how many times have he done during a day but he must be patient and enjoyable person to communicate with each costomer. During the time when I communicate with him, I noticed that he is very easy to talk and trying to speak slow, clear, as our imagination and good listener! I thought that he must be a person who is one of the best listener in all over the world. As I told you before, the best place to visit was those place that I want to visit go again. Similarly, good person is that I want to see him or her again after I first met even though the definision of good person is quite selfish. Through this trip, I met a lot of people and mostle they are helpful with hospitality but not everybody that I want to meet again even though I am appreciate with their offer.
At Rovaniemi, I visited a family of four with three dogs who they living in an apartment. Surprisingly, the husbund is a student and her wife is also studying. In Finland, almost all students don't have to pay for their study because of the support from the government especially if you are student they can also possible to take some support of their apartment. They have two children, 4 years old son and 2 years old daughter. I heard the age of first baby from him that was 21, the same year as me in now. While one guy is from Japan is traveling through the European continent at 21 years old, at the same age 4 years ago he got a baby in Finland. I couldn't believe if I have a baby in now, moreover I should find a girl friend.
Before coming to Europe and when I was studying in Japan, my teacher always said "Have a dream whatever you want" and whenever I heard that phrase so called "Dream" that means, to be a somebody, doctor, lawyer, astronaut, resercher.....and so on. However, whenever I met those people who are trying to make a family especially they have a little baby, I thought that making a warm family might be one of a dream of my life. It seems to be easy to make or sounds little dream but taking care of their children is hard work and there would be no choice once you got a baby. I will add my dream list that I will be a dad who can give a lot of love to my children as I saw at Rovaniemi!
Yuji @ Pello, Lapland , Finland
PS. Today I stayed with family of Jussi, who hosted me at Helsinki with his girlfriend. His hometown is here in Pello. Actually he is not here but his parents and little brother (he is 13 years old but his English skill is almost the same that I have or a little bit better than me ) hosted me. At the same time I am feel like given a lot of love from them. How family is nice!!
At Rovaniemi I met a Santa Claus, he must be one of the famous person in the world even though a lot of people in Japan they don't really know where he is living. He lives so called in Santa village, which is located 8km north from the central Rovamiemi. After I passed a reception to meet Santa Calus, I finally could meet him. He was sitting on a chair with his costume as I thought so. The first question of his was " Where are you from? " and then I answered "I am from Japan." I thought that he is trying to say hello in Japanese but he couldn't easily remember. Even after I notice that he couldn't say hello in Japanese, I couldn't say anything just because I wanted to know if he could possible to say it or not. After few seconds, he finally said "Konnichiwa!" That was really cool!
After several dialogue that I did over and over time during this journey, we started to take a picture. And then, we started talking again and for couple of minutes and say good-bye. I don't know how many times have he done during a day but he must be patient and enjoyable person to communicate with each costomer. During the time when I communicate with him, I noticed that he is very easy to talk and trying to speak slow, clear, as our imagination and good listener! I thought that he must be a person who is one of the best listener in all over the world. As I told you before, the best place to visit was those place that I want to visit go again. Similarly, good person is that I want to see him or her again after I first met even though the definision of good person is quite selfish. Through this trip, I met a lot of people and mostle they are helpful with hospitality but not everybody that I want to meet again even though I am appreciate with their offer.
At Rovaniemi, I visited a family of four with three dogs who they living in an apartment. Surprisingly, the husbund is a student and her wife is also studying. In Finland, almost all students don't have to pay for their study because of the support from the government especially if you are student they can also possible to take some support of their apartment. They have two children, 4 years old son and 2 years old daughter. I heard the age of first baby from him that was 21, the same year as me in now. While one guy is from Japan is traveling through the European continent at 21 years old, at the same age 4 years ago he got a baby in Finland. I couldn't believe if I have a baby in now, moreover I should find a girl friend.
Before coming to Europe and when I was studying in Japan, my teacher always said "Have a dream whatever you want" and whenever I heard that phrase so called "Dream" that means, to be a somebody, doctor, lawyer, astronaut, resercher.....and so on. However, whenever I met those people who are trying to make a family especially they have a little baby, I thought that making a warm family might be one of a dream of my life. It seems to be easy to make or sounds little dream but taking care of their children is hard work and there would be no choice once you got a baby. I will add my dream list that I will be a dad who can give a lot of love to my children as I saw at Rovaniemi!
Yuji @ Pello, Lapland , Finland
PS. Today I stayed with family of Jussi, who hosted me at Helsinki with his girlfriend. His hometown is here in Pello. Actually he is not here but his parents and little brother (he is 13 years old but his English skill is almost the same that I have or a little bit better than me ) hosted me. At the same time I am feel like given a lot of love from them. How family is nice!!
Rovaniemi - the heart of Lapland
I just arrived at Rovaniemi so called Santa Claus city from Kemi about 120km to south for two days.
I was going up along the Kemi river and it was windy but I could finally get to Rovaniemi. According to information of tourist office, I cannot see any reindeers in Rovaniemi bofore booking. The city is quite touristic and they knows what they want to do in here. However, I can also see some of them in northern part of Lapland, the way to North cape. Even in north cape, there is a fee for tourist and it will cost about 400 (40 Euro) norwage krone to park a car. They don't know how will it work for bicycle. I hope that I cannot pay for it to enter, moreover if I should have to pay for 40 Euro to get inside I won't get there. I really hate those place who are ready to tourist even if it is worth visiting.
What I figured out at Rovaniemi is that city has three main attraction for visiter that is Santa Claus and or with reindeers, and north cartain (aurola) in winter season. That is the one of the reason why a lot of visiters from Germany as well as Britain.
On the way to come here, I met an old couple who were from Germany all the way by camping car. We talked about what I and they have experienced. They have traveled for three month already from Munhein and going to northern part of Norway close to Russia. They met a lot of people who want to visit North cape during their trip but they won't visit to there because of the price or so. When I met to them on the road I thought firstly they came from Finland because a lot of Fins traveling by camping car from one place to another but they actually from Germany. Even though they seemed like 60 years old, they (actually only woman ) can speak very good English. I don't need to speak neither Germany nor Finnish. I drunk a cup of coffee from there offer in the pass of the road. They were staying in that place for two nights, actually there is not any camping site just on the pass of the road, but it is possible to stay as I do because of the safest country. I should say Danke instead of Kiitos( thank you in Finnish)
Different from those people who I met in Finland, they were very open-minded and easy to talk. They have also same opinion with me that people in Finland normally they are a little bit shy and quite. But other part of scandinavians are much more open I heard. One of the reason why they aren't generally open-minded is connected to language I think. Finnish is quite heard to learn and it is originally from Asia. I need a time to make a good friendship with them but they are safe and nice people basically I think. Tomorrow, I am going to visit Santa Claus village if it's not rain!
Yuji @ Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland
I was going up along the Kemi river and it was windy but I could finally get to Rovaniemi. According to information of tourist office, I cannot see any reindeers in Rovaniemi bofore booking. The city is quite touristic and they knows what they want to do in here. However, I can also see some of them in northern part of Lapland, the way to North cape. Even in north cape, there is a fee for tourist and it will cost about 400 (40 Euro) norwage krone to park a car. They don't know how will it work for bicycle. I hope that I cannot pay for it to enter, moreover if I should have to pay for 40 Euro to get inside I won't get there. I really hate those place who are ready to tourist even if it is worth visiting.
What I figured out at Rovaniemi is that city has three main attraction for visiter that is Santa Claus and or with reindeers, and north cartain (aurola) in winter season. That is the one of the reason why a lot of visiters from Germany as well as Britain.
On the way to come here, I met an old couple who were from Germany all the way by camping car. We talked about what I and they have experienced. They have traveled for three month already from Munhein and going to northern part of Norway close to Russia. They met a lot of people who want to visit North cape during their trip but they won't visit to there because of the price or so. When I met to them on the road I thought firstly they came from Finland because a lot of Fins traveling by camping car from one place to another but they actually from Germany. Even though they seemed like 60 years old, they (actually only woman ) can speak very good English. I don't need to speak neither Germany nor Finnish. I drunk a cup of coffee from there offer in the pass of the road. They were staying in that place for two nights, actually there is not any camping site just on the pass of the road, but it is possible to stay as I do because of the safest country. I should say Danke instead of Kiitos( thank you in Finnish)
Different from those people who I met in Finland, they were very open-minded and easy to talk. They have also same opinion with me that people in Finland normally they are a little bit shy and quite. But other part of scandinavians are much more open I heard. One of the reason why they aren't generally open-minded is connected to language I think. Finnish is quite heard to learn and it is originally from Asia. I need a time to make a good friendship with them but they are safe and nice people basically I think. Tomorrow, I am going to visit Santa Claus village if it's not rain!
Yuji @ Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland
Since I have decided to going up to northernmost point of Europe, I am wondering when I get to Edinburgh. Who knows? Moreovere, I have started to think it is necessary to go there?
The main reason why I decided to go to Edinburgh is that just because I need to work to travel and to keep some money to going back to Japan. Whichever or wherever, I need to get a job but it is not necessary to go to Edinburgh. After this European journey, I am planning to go to so called Sub-Sahara Africa to be able to see how people are poor and what they need to live. And where is the place that I will work in that continent.
I am not sure by when will this journey continued but at least I need whole Sep. in order to get to Olso and from Oslo to Edinburgh, if I pass so called western part of Europe, I need one more month. The end of October I probably get to entrance of UK and then, I will go up to Edinburgh for 2-3 week, that means I will get there in the middle of November, then I will find a job and work for 2-3 month to be able to Africa? Well, that is not a good plan and I don't know if I can be save enough momey to go there. Moreover, it is not a good choice to go up to Edinburgh and then I down from there to Africa by bicycle or should I take a plain to go there? It will make sence but it is no more journey of bicycle. Going by bike is not a theme of this journey and I can possible to sell it or give it to someone who need it, if I don't need anymore. At least to find a place to stay in somewhere in Europe, I should keep it close at hand.
Not necessary to find a job in Edinburgh but what I need at the moment:
money (job)
rest (at least one month in one place following ferw month)
Think over! I still need a time to planning.....
In this morning, it was a quite heavy rain when I was sleeping. I didn't cover of my tent with fly seet and then my stuff turned to be wet. It was very cold even my breath was being white. (White night has gone)I should care about it! After bad waking up, I ate some hot meal with my gas that was really nice and came power! Then, I started to come to Kemi, that is the first city in Lapland but I haven't still seen any reindeers in here! However, I am really exciting to see it. The last page of the reflet of Rovaniemi, there was a description about the number of reindeers, that was 18,000 or something! Anyway, I will see in two days !
As I told you on the beginning of this page, I am conserning for my future but now this is one the most exciting moment on this trip because I finally came to Kemi, and from now on I won't need to ride on my bike at the side of cars and trucks, so called busy road. Futhermore, this is the Lapland and full of nature as well as place of reindeer! Enough reasons for me to be excited!!!
That is one of the reason why I came to here after two times of thinking at Gdansk and Turku!
Following 2 weeks, I am going to ride on a bike in peaceful place with full of joy, that is the most important point to live! I have found out the meaning to live, that is enjoy!
Yuji @ Kemi, Lapland
The main reason why I decided to go to Edinburgh is that just because I need to work to travel and to keep some money to going back to Japan. Whichever or wherever, I need to get a job but it is not necessary to go to Edinburgh. After this European journey, I am planning to go to so called Sub-Sahara Africa to be able to see how people are poor and what they need to live. And where is the place that I will work in that continent.
I am not sure by when will this journey continued but at least I need whole Sep. in order to get to Olso and from Oslo to Edinburgh, if I pass so called western part of Europe, I need one more month. The end of October I probably get to entrance of UK and then, I will go up to Edinburgh for 2-3 week, that means I will get there in the middle of November, then I will find a job and work for 2-3 month to be able to Africa? Well, that is not a good plan and I don't know if I can be save enough momey to go there. Moreover, it is not a good choice to go up to Edinburgh and then I down from there to Africa by bicycle or should I take a plain to go there? It will make sence but it is no more journey of bicycle. Going by bike is not a theme of this journey and I can possible to sell it or give it to someone who need it, if I don't need anymore. At least to find a place to stay in somewhere in Europe, I should keep it close at hand.
Not necessary to find a job in Edinburgh but what I need at the moment:
money (job)
rest (at least one month in one place following ferw month)
Think over! I still need a time to planning.....
In this morning, it was a quite heavy rain when I was sleeping. I didn't cover of my tent with fly seet and then my stuff turned to be wet. It was very cold even my breath was being white. (White night has gone)I should care about it! After bad waking up, I ate some hot meal with my gas that was really nice and came power! Then, I started to come to Kemi, that is the first city in Lapland but I haven't still seen any reindeers in here! However, I am really exciting to see it. The last page of the reflet of Rovaniemi, there was a description about the number of reindeers, that was 18,000 or something! Anyway, I will see in two days !
As I told you on the beginning of this page, I am conserning for my future but now this is one the most exciting moment on this trip because I finally came to Kemi, and from now on I won't need to ride on my bike at the side of cars and trucks, so called busy road. Futhermore, this is the Lapland and full of nature as well as place of reindeer! Enough reasons for me to be excited!!!
That is one of the reason why I came to here after two times of thinking at Gdansk and Turku!
Following 2 weeks, I am going to ride on a bike in peaceful place with full of joy, that is the most important point to live! I have found out the meaning to live, that is enjoy!
Yuji @ Kemi, Lapland
Present from Santa Claus
Since I noticed that I cannot get to Edinburgh neither on July nor August, I need to prepare to warm suits for cycling. Compared to Japan, those equipments for cycling as well as camping stuff in Europe are quite cheap. Even if so, it is still expensive for me to buy those stuff in now.
That's why I tried to buy either Sleeping bag or underwear for daily life. The sleeping bag that I have now is just for summer and quite thin. It will be bare about 5 C, but I have a cover for the bag. So the extreme temp. for night around 0 C I think. But in Norway, it might be get cold under 0 in Sept.
While I was hanging around at supermarket I found a sleeping bag to be bare to -6 C that would be good for cycling but it is a bit big and I have no idea how to deal with my sleeping bag! Probably I cannot bring two. At the same shop, I found a separate underwear for cycling and it might be get warm for my journey. That is costs about 20 Euro with both.
I thought about for 3-5 days which is better for my bicycle and I finally decided to buy underwear for my journey. When I tried to buy that suits for cycling at the store , the God was came to me. When I checked the size of the ware to open the package and I noticed that there were two packages inside of it not only for legs but also for body! Actually, I am not sure if it has the each prices but when I checked it before that has different prices. Anyway, I suddenly packed it again that seemed nothing had happened and then I went to pay for it about 10 Euro to buy. Nothing happened and I finally got the suits for each parts of a body . Of course, it should not be done if I know about it well, but it was and I just opened it and packed it again! Or should I ask to the shopkeeper if it has different prices or not? Anyway, I finally decided that this is a present from God or Santa Claus because it is close to Rovaniemi.
Today is very cold the temp. in here about 12 C but when I get to Nordkapp it might be much colder than here. I should care about it. At the same time, I finally bought a gas and a equipment to cook. Now I can possible to drink a morning coffee for every morning! That would be nice!
To get to Rovaniemi I need another 5 days or less but finally Lapland has almost comes but I cannot say that I am coming to Lapland until I find a reindeer!
Yuji @ Oulu, SUOMI
That's why I tried to buy either Sleeping bag or underwear for daily life. The sleeping bag that I have now is just for summer and quite thin. It will be bare about 5 C, but I have a cover for the bag. So the extreme temp. for night around 0 C I think. But in Norway, it might be get cold under 0 in Sept.
While I was hanging around at supermarket I found a sleeping bag to be bare to -6 C that would be good for cycling but it is a bit big and I have no idea how to deal with my sleeping bag! Probably I cannot bring two. At the same shop, I found a separate underwear for cycling and it might be get warm for my journey. That is costs about 20 Euro with both.
I thought about for 3-5 days which is better for my bicycle and I finally decided to buy underwear for my journey. When I tried to buy that suits for cycling at the store , the God was came to me. When I checked the size of the ware to open the package and I noticed that there were two packages inside of it not only for legs but also for body! Actually, I am not sure if it has the each prices but when I checked it before that has different prices. Anyway, I suddenly packed it again that seemed nothing had happened and then I went to pay for it about 10 Euro to buy. Nothing happened and I finally got the suits for each parts of a body . Of course, it should not be done if I know about it well, but it was and I just opened it and packed it again! Or should I ask to the shopkeeper if it has different prices or not? Anyway, I finally decided that this is a present from God or Santa Claus because it is close to Rovaniemi.
Today is very cold the temp. in here about 12 C but when I get to Nordkapp it might be much colder than here. I should care about it. At the same time, I finally bought a gas and a equipment to cook. Now I can possible to drink a morning coffee for every morning! That would be nice!
To get to Rovaniemi I need another 5 days or less but finally Lapland has almost comes but I cannot say that I am coming to Lapland until I find a reindeer!
Yuji @ Oulu, SUOMI
It has been quite long long journey and yesterday caluculator of my bike recorded 8000km from Istanbul since 22 of April. I never thought that I would make that record and probably, I will need another caluculator before I get to UK!! But, UK has not km but they use mile as they use British Paund different from Finland and other main wester European country. But I just heard the country, Norway, probably the next country of my jurney hasn't still even EU member and they use their own currency, that is stronger than Euro. They will might be bring something new for my idea!
So, this time I am trying to thought about what I have experienced during this trip as my calculator!
0km Istanbul, Turkey
That was starting point of my journey and that was one of beautiful city in Europe or even Asia. I thought that Istanbul is the starting point or border between Europe and Asia, that is the reason why I choose Istanbul as the first place of this journy. At that time, I had other cities as a starting point actually. Those places were Sanfransisco in CA, Araska, Australia(couldn't find out the city) , and Helsinki and Moskow. Anyway, I am still believing the place where I have chose was best! Actually, people in Turkey were quite gentle for me even if they and I couldn't speak in English very well. Without words we could communicate with each other! I want to go there again someday!
2,000km Timishoara, Romania

Timishoara is one of the place that I remenbered it clearly because I staied with Cristina and she was student and nice host! In Romania, the Jesus is quite familiar with the citisen and we went to Church for the porpose to pray for it. Actually, I don't have any religion but I can pray for the God as I did in Japan and I did the same style in Istanbul. City was quite developed and there was some shopping moal for the people. But not everybody can buy something from there because of the place. To be able to adapt for the everybody living in there, time is needed.
4,000km Plonsk, Poland
Plonsk? I need a map to be able to find out where is Plonsk but my bike recorded 4000km in there, anyway. I think Plonsk is somewhere on my way to Warszawa. Just on the way, and that's it, unfortunately!
6,000km Talsi, Latvia
The name Talsi barely reminded me where was that and what I did in there. I just made my tent to be able to sleep near the main road. When I was in there, I tried to go through the Baltic sea to have fun in there and how different color they have compared to Gdansk in Poland. The night I slept in a glass and it was close to the rail. That is why I forced to wake up in the middle of the night because of the noise from Train, anyway.
Oh, I made a mistake that Talsi is not a city what I thought! I thought that it was Lithuania anyway I left it here.

Sorry! Talsi is a small countryside city, so called. I stayed a house which I know through the internet and actually he couldn't host me in there because he studies in Riga, the capital of Latvia. That's why his father hosted me for one night with special meal! He speaks Germany and Latvian, Polish as well as Russia. Unfortunately, his couldn't speak English that much and I could speak any language which he could. Barely, I can understand Germany and we could communicate with each other but anyway as I told you without language we could really communicate with, that was nice! He brought me to hill of the Talsi and there was a huge wooden tower to be able to watch the enermy when was the war time. We climb up to the top but it was moving all the time because of the wind and I was really afraid of it if it would fall down. Anyway that was a nice memory of my journey. And the next day in the morning, I tried to use skype to be able to contact to my friend and celebrate to the party of my seminar, I would say it. Actually, the seminar is neither my department nor faculity. Just I take the lesson because it was really interested in me of the study in sociology as well as the teacher! The teacher, Prof. Tanaka he is very young for me, I think he is 30s or so and always active and intelligent, that is why I learned a lot from him as well as his seminar students. Before, coming to here they and he cerebrated me to go in a nice bar(we call it Izakaya) in Ikebukuro. Just I imagined and had really fun!
Anyway, I enjoyed staying there!
8,000km Kokkola, Finland

Now I am in here!! Kokkoka is located 120 northeast from Vaasa and 200km southeast to Oulu, city itself is quite small but some part has so called old wooden house. The painting of those house is normally red, it is originally from the rever of the fish which they caught from the sea I heard. Yesterday I stayed with a house of woman & her dauther, which is located 3 km away from the central Kokkola and her house was wooden house, amazingly! I stayed with a room which was in upstairs and somethig like between the floor and roof. It riminded me ex-my apartment which I had stayed for two years before this trip to be able to go to my school. It is located Kagurazaka, one of the central city in Tokyo and I can go to school about 20 minutes by walk and 10 minutes by bicycle. Between my school and apartment there was a shop which I worked so called MacDonal'd at Iidabashi Station, anyway. If I were in there, I am still working in there. But I am going to find new part-time job when I get back to Japan, maybe English teacher is the best choise to keep my English is better and for my study as well!
Now, I am going to find a city which will record 10,000km from Istanbul, hopefully somewhere in Norway!
Yuji @ Kokkola, Karleby(Swe), FIN
So, this time I am trying to thought about what I have experienced during this trip as my calculator!
0km Istanbul, Turkey
That was starting point of my journey and that was one of beautiful city in Europe or even Asia. I thought that Istanbul is the starting point or border between Europe and Asia, that is the reason why I choose Istanbul as the first place of this journy. At that time, I had other cities as a starting point actually. Those places were Sanfransisco in CA, Araska, Australia(couldn't find out the city) , and Helsinki and Moskow. Anyway, I am still believing the place where I have chose was best! Actually, people in Turkey were quite gentle for me even if they and I couldn't speak in English very well. Without words we could communicate with each other! I want to go there again someday!
2,000km Timishoara, Romania
Timishoara is one of the place that I remenbered it clearly because I staied with Cristina and she was student and nice host! In Romania, the Jesus is quite familiar with the citisen and we went to Church for the porpose to pray for it. Actually, I don't have any religion but I can pray for the God as I did in Japan and I did the same style in Istanbul. City was quite developed and there was some shopping moal for the people. But not everybody can buy something from there because of the place. To be able to adapt for the everybody living in there, time is needed.
4,000km Plonsk, Poland
Plonsk? I need a map to be able to find out where is Plonsk but my bike recorded 4000km in there, anyway. I think Plonsk is somewhere on my way to Warszawa. Just on the way, and that's it, unfortunately!
6,000km Talsi, Latvia
The name Talsi barely reminded me where was that and what I did in there. I just made my tent to be able to sleep near the main road. When I was in there, I tried to go through the Baltic sea to have fun in there and how different color they have compared to Gdansk in Poland. The night I slept in a glass and it was close to the rail. That is why I forced to wake up in the middle of the night because of the noise from Train, anyway.
Oh, I made a mistake that Talsi is not a city what I thought! I thought that it was Lithuania anyway I left it here.
Sorry! Talsi is a small countryside city, so called. I stayed a house which I know through the internet and actually he couldn't host me in there because he studies in Riga, the capital of Latvia. That's why his father hosted me for one night with special meal! He speaks Germany and Latvian, Polish as well as Russia. Unfortunately, his couldn't speak English that much and I could speak any language which he could. Barely, I can understand Germany and we could communicate with each other but anyway as I told you without language we could really communicate with, that was nice! He brought me to hill of the Talsi and there was a huge wooden tower to be able to watch the enermy when was the war time. We climb up to the top but it was moving all the time because of the wind and I was really afraid of it if it would fall down. Anyway that was a nice memory of my journey. And the next day in the morning, I tried to use skype to be able to contact to my friend and celebrate to the party of my seminar, I would say it. Actually, the seminar is neither my department nor faculity. Just I take the lesson because it was really interested in me of the study in sociology as well as the teacher! The teacher, Prof. Tanaka he is very young for me, I think he is 30s or so and always active and intelligent, that is why I learned a lot from him as well as his seminar students. Before, coming to here they and he cerebrated me to go in a nice bar(we call it Izakaya) in Ikebukuro. Just I imagined and had really fun!
Anyway, I enjoyed staying there!
8,000km Kokkola, Finland
Now I am in here!! Kokkoka is located 120 northeast from Vaasa and 200km southeast to Oulu, city itself is quite small but some part has so called old wooden house. The painting of those house is normally red, it is originally from the rever of the fish which they caught from the sea I heard. Yesterday I stayed with a house of woman & her dauther, which is located 3 km away from the central Kokkola and her house was wooden house, amazingly! I stayed with a room which was in upstairs and somethig like between the floor and roof. It riminded me ex-my apartment which I had stayed for two years before this trip to be able to go to my school. It is located Kagurazaka, one of the central city in Tokyo and I can go to school about 20 minutes by walk and 10 minutes by bicycle. Between my school and apartment there was a shop which I worked so called MacDonal'd at Iidabashi Station, anyway. If I were in there, I am still working in there. But I am going to find new part-time job when I get back to Japan, maybe English teacher is the best choise to keep my English is better and for my study as well!
Now, I am going to find a city which will record 10,000km from Istanbul, hopefully somewhere in Norway!
Yuji @ Kokkola, Karleby(Swe), FIN
2.7 EURO
In Finland, people can cash it back from empty bottles after they drunk it. And a lot of empty bottle was thrown to the glass by the roads. That's why I have started to carry it to get some money to be able to support to my journey. Moreover, it is a kind of joy because on the main road there are a lot of trucks and cars making a lot of noise....
Yesterday from Vaasa, I started to pick those bottles from glass. Almost all the bottle which lying on a glass are empty beer bottle. The process to get money are quite simple.
Firstly, I picked up from the ground and then I take it to a supermarket. Almost all supermarket have a machine to treat it and caluculate the total price of those bottles. Each bottles have different prices as follows.
0.1 euro- grass bottle
0.15 euro-can of 335ml & 500ml
0.2 euro-pet bottle of 500ml
0.4 euro- pet bottle of 1.5l
The machine classifies those bottles following barcode which has attached of each package made of Finland. So, when I want to use that machine I need to pick up only bottle which has that barcode. Otherwise, I cannot any money back from the store even if the shape is quite same. For example, on the way from Tampere to Pori, I tried to pick it up but I didn't know how it works at a store. So, I picked it all the bottle which I found on the road. Then, I get to the store but almost half of the cans and bottles which I picked didn't work because those cans are from Estonia. If I were careful, I might find out the signe of EEK, that means Estonia Krone, probable.
After I started of this recycling journey with cycling, I have a lot of time to stop on the road. But my leg is still doesn't work well. That is not bad for slow cycling and good for the earth.
That's why I picked it up for 2.7 Euro in yesterday. Anyway, there was a lot of bottle on the ground. However, only thing that I am conserning is that what will I do the bottle which I don't need such as EEK. I normally left it away as it was. But. I feel like a little bit guilty. So, I finally decided to classify with my eyes if the bottle is that I need or not. That's feel better!
Yuji @ Pietasaari, SUOMI
Yesterday from Vaasa, I started to pick those bottles from glass. Almost all the bottle which lying on a glass are empty beer bottle. The process to get money are quite simple.
Firstly, I picked up from the ground and then I take it to a supermarket. Almost all supermarket have a machine to treat it and caluculate the total price of those bottles. Each bottles have different prices as follows.
0.1 euro- grass bottle
0.15 euro-can of 335ml & 500ml
0.2 euro-pet bottle of 500ml
0.4 euro- pet bottle of 1.5l
The machine classifies those bottles following barcode which has attached of each package made of Finland. So, when I want to use that machine I need to pick up only bottle which has that barcode. Otherwise, I cannot any money back from the store even if the shape is quite same. For example, on the way from Tampere to Pori, I tried to pick it up but I didn't know how it works at a store. So, I picked it all the bottle which I found on the road. Then, I get to the store but almost half of the cans and bottles which I picked didn't work because those cans are from Estonia. If I were careful, I might find out the signe of EEK, that means Estonia Krone, probable.
After I started of this recycling journey with cycling, I have a lot of time to stop on the road. But my leg is still doesn't work well. That is not bad for slow cycling and good for the earth.
That's why I picked it up for 2.7 Euro in yesterday. Anyway, there was a lot of bottle on the ground. However, only thing that I am conserning is that what will I do the bottle which I don't need such as EEK. I normally left it away as it was. But. I feel like a little bit guilty. So, I finally decided to classify with my eyes if the bottle is that I need or not. That's feel better!
Yuji @ Pietasaari, SUOMI
at Vaasa
This is the last day to stay at Vaasa. In these two days, I stayed with Reeta and her friends who are from Sweden. They had really good relationship with each other, it won't be happen any wars between them, anyway. Different from the relationship of Baltic language between Lithuanian and Latovian, they couldn't communicate with their mother tongue, that means, they use in English when they communicate with each other, they speak in English very well even if they just graduated from high school. My English level is still lower than those student as I felt in Eastern Europe. I don't have a lot of time to improve it, but I should be hunger to speak English more and more... to be able to speak it fluently.
In these two days, I have tried to take some rest to be able to cure my legs completely. As a result of rest for two days, my legs seems to be better than before and I have no pain at the moment. Still, it might be start to pain again and I an going to keep 50km per day. To be able to reduce and cure my leg, I planned to ask for a doctor in Vaasa but the day when I came here was on Saturday and there was no working private doctor until on Monday, today. But, I got some information about to cure my leg. Firstly, I took a Magunesium tablet for it just once a day and I am going to keep throw it until the pain disapper. And after that, I bought a supporter from a sports shop to try to reduce the impact from the riding. I hope it will work well. If the pain starts again I will ask for a doctor at Oulu, that is the last city before Lapland. Still, it is located about 300km away from here, Vaasa.
One thing that I want to write was that I bought a brake for my bike as well as supporter from the shop, but that break didn't work of my bike even if I confirmed it if it works for my bike or not to a shopkeeper. Then, the next day, today I asked if they can refund me of the money or change of my brake which is fit to my bike. Unfortunately, they didn't have any brake except for it, but they finally cash me back to buy another brake even if I had already opened that package and tried to check to my bike if it works or not. If it is in Japan, it might be refund if I have a recipt but I was wondering because I didn't pay for it as a cash but it should be done.
It was remineded me when I worked at MacDonal's.
In those days, I was a in a service counter at my MacDonald's, and I had a claim if they refund it just because the seat of the MacD was occupied because of the lunch time. Then I asked manager if it could be possible to cash them back and another option was that we can put those food in a bag to be able to eat at home or somewhere as a take away. The manager told me that, "it was not usual to do it, but now we are really busy to take care of it. So, you should do it. " Then, I cash it back to them and throw those humbergers even if it is edible, what's more, they bought two or three set, that's why it was one of unforgattable experience at there. In Japan, at MacD. the life of tried french fries is only 7 minutes and beef was 15 minute respectively. If we couldn't sell it to the customer, we should put it into garbage. We made a lot of waste to be able to serve for fresh food.
Through this journey, I felt how important to choose from the shop and to eat to live. Sometimes we, the people in developed countries, make an mistake and lose how important to eat food and sometimes eat too much just because we have a money to pay for it. Trying to think about what is the sustainable eating for global scale, that is really important to live long enough for human being and I have been felt it through this journey. To be able to notice what is happing in the world or what is correct or not would may be one of the reason why I like traveling not only developed countries but also developing countries.
Yuji @ Vassa
P.S Now I bought a new brake! And, I might be going to be an Vegitalian through this journey. Moreover, I have been not the person who prefer to eat meats since I was in a child except for chicken.
In these two days, I have tried to take some rest to be able to cure my legs completely. As a result of rest for two days, my legs seems to be better than before and I have no pain at the moment. Still, it might be start to pain again and I an going to keep 50km per day. To be able to reduce and cure my leg, I planned to ask for a doctor in Vaasa but the day when I came here was on Saturday and there was no working private doctor until on Monday, today. But, I got some information about to cure my leg. Firstly, I took a Magunesium tablet for it just once a day and I am going to keep throw it until the pain disapper. And after that, I bought a supporter from a sports shop to try to reduce the impact from the riding. I hope it will work well. If the pain starts again I will ask for a doctor at Oulu, that is the last city before Lapland. Still, it is located about 300km away from here, Vaasa.
One thing that I want to write was that I bought a brake for my bike as well as supporter from the shop, but that break didn't work of my bike even if I confirmed it if it works for my bike or not to a shopkeeper. Then, the next day, today I asked if they can refund me of the money or change of my brake which is fit to my bike. Unfortunately, they didn't have any brake except for it, but they finally cash me back to buy another brake even if I had already opened that package and tried to check to my bike if it works or not. If it is in Japan, it might be refund if I have a recipt but I was wondering because I didn't pay for it as a cash but it should be done.
It was remineded me when I worked at MacDonal's.
In those days, I was a in a service counter at my MacDonald's, and I had a claim if they refund it just because the seat of the MacD was occupied because of the lunch time. Then I asked manager if it could be possible to cash them back and another option was that we can put those food in a bag to be able to eat at home or somewhere as a take away. The manager told me that, "it was not usual to do it, but now we are really busy to take care of it. So, you should do it. " Then, I cash it back to them and throw those humbergers even if it is edible, what's more, they bought two or three set, that's why it was one of unforgattable experience at there. In Japan, at MacD. the life of tried french fries is only 7 minutes and beef was 15 minute respectively. If we couldn't sell it to the customer, we should put it into garbage. We made a lot of waste to be able to serve for fresh food.
Through this journey, I felt how important to choose from the shop and to eat to live. Sometimes we, the people in developed countries, make an mistake and lose how important to eat food and sometimes eat too much just because we have a money to pay for it. Trying to think about what is the sustainable eating for global scale, that is really important to live long enough for human being and I have been felt it through this journey. To be able to notice what is happing in the world or what is correct or not would may be one of the reason why I like traveling not only developed countries but also developing countries.
Yuji @ Vassa
P.S Now I bought a new brake! And, I might be going to be an Vegitalian through this journey. Moreover, I have been not the person who prefer to eat meats since I was in a child except for chicken.
Graduate School
My teacher, Kazumi Goto, he will open to his graduate school at Hosei University, that is the school which I had been to before this April. After the break of this year, I am going back to study the final year to get the bachelors degree. And then...
To be able to work at United Nations, at least I need to get a masters degree somewhere in a university in the world. I am still thinking about it anyway....
What he said in his introduction of his school was that he recongnize that a lot of Japanese people should work in the international, moreover, global environment, as his experience. People in Japan normally they have 3S, that is smile, to be able not to try argument but to make a good situation, silent, they don't want to talk with a people because they are shy or don't have enough skills to speak with the people in English and, sleep, they have no power to talk or less attention to the others. And what he said in his opinion, instead of that 3S, we Japanese people should put on other 3S, which means, Smart, to be intelligent and originallity, Speak, to speak with a people to be able to make a new idea and Speed, to make a right decision earlier.
What I figured out when I saw his opinion today was that it is not valueable for me to master English if I forget those three things, as it were, try to lost Japanese identity to be able to adapt in the global society. I have tried to do it through this journey as much as I can, but I felt that it is still not enough to do it. I might be satisfied with some of the level that I am not hard to live in Europe because I am just traveling by bike. I thought that to be able to speak in English fluently is the most important thing of this journey. Actually, that is not true, morover only if I want to master in English I don't need to come to here to spend lot of money and time.
Once, when I was in Japan before started of this journey, my friend told me that "What is the theme of your journey ?" Still, I couldn't find out the decent answer of this question. Moreover, it might be hard to describe of one word or phrase. But, if I try to say it now in just one phrase, the theme is " to live in the international enviroment". For some people, in particular, if you are living in Europe, the sound like nothing especially. But for me living in an Far East Asian island more than 20 years, it is really special to live in that environment, which means living outside of Japan. I am hard to understand it if I only live in Japan. On that point, this journey, I have already passed 10 countries since in Turkey and I will visit few more countriesr would good to learn what is global society.To learn how hard to live in that environment as a Japanese, that would be my theme of this journey even if we have other continents such as Africa, North & South America, even in Asia.
I am not sure if I go to the graduate school of my teacher's one but his opinion is still shining even if I traveled or lived in Europe more than 3 months. I really respect him.
Keep doing my best at this moment,
Yuji @ Vaasa, SUOMI(FIN)
To be able to work at United Nations, at least I need to get a masters degree somewhere in a university in the world. I am still thinking about it anyway....
What he said in his introduction of his school was that he recongnize that a lot of Japanese people should work in the international, moreover, global environment, as his experience. People in Japan normally they have 3S, that is smile, to be able not to try argument but to make a good situation, silent, they don't want to talk with a people because they are shy or don't have enough skills to speak with the people in English and, sleep, they have no power to talk or less attention to the others. And what he said in his opinion, instead of that 3S, we Japanese people should put on other 3S, which means, Smart, to be intelligent and originallity, Speak, to speak with a people to be able to make a new idea and Speed, to make a right decision earlier.
What I figured out when I saw his opinion today was that it is not valueable for me to master English if I forget those three things, as it were, try to lost Japanese identity to be able to adapt in the global society. I have tried to do it through this journey as much as I can, but I felt that it is still not enough to do it. I might be satisfied with some of the level that I am not hard to live in Europe because I am just traveling by bike. I thought that to be able to speak in English fluently is the most important thing of this journey. Actually, that is not true, morover only if I want to master in English I don't need to come to here to spend lot of money and time.
Once, when I was in Japan before started of this journey, my friend told me that "What is the theme of your journey ?" Still, I couldn't find out the decent answer of this question. Moreover, it might be hard to describe of one word or phrase. But, if I try to say it now in just one phrase, the theme is " to live in the international enviroment". For some people, in particular, if you are living in Europe, the sound like nothing especially. But for me living in an Far East Asian island more than 20 years, it is really special to live in that environment, which means living outside of Japan. I am hard to understand it if I only live in Japan. On that point, this journey, I have already passed 10 countries since in Turkey and I will visit few more countriesr would good to learn what is global society.To learn how hard to live in that environment as a Japanese, that would be my theme of this journey even if we have other continents such as Africa, North & South America, even in Asia.
I am not sure if I go to the graduate school of my teacher's one but his opinion is still shining even if I traveled or lived in Europe more than 3 months. I really respect him.
Keep doing my best at this moment,
Yuji @ Vaasa, SUOMI(FIN)
West Coast
West coast of Finland, there are spreading the gulf of Bothnia between Sweden. In some city on the west coast, there are Swedish people are living in and they speak Swedish. Even if both Finnish and Swedish are regarded as official language, it seems like still have a problem to live toghther for Finnish people as far as I heard it from them.
I am still keep slowly heading for Vaasa, the city which is located almost half of the coast line of Finland. The country is quite huge compared to those country which I have already passed. In addition of the country size, I spend for about one week of my holiday and my leg is still not working well. I am keep moving almost 50km per day. That's why, I feel like that Finland is really big country! But surprisingly, it is a bit smaller than Japan!
Yesterday, I slept in a forest with fire to eat some potates for dinner. For these several days, it has been nice weather and easy to barn those trees. I picked some brenches from the forest and then I easily to make an stable fire. But at the same time, it might be burn to the other glass or trees if I lost attention to the fire. It was really natural and wild area. Birds, squwarrals are jumping from one tree to another. I cannot hear nothing except for that dance.
Because of the expensive beer, I finally decided to buy wisky after I got to Finland. The price of beer, for example, a can of beer of 500ml costs 2 and half euro. (For example in Slovakia, it was less than 1 euro to buy the same one)Interestingly, when I try to buy a can of beer which is smaller than 500, it was 335ml or so , that cost only for 1 and half euro or less. Different from Japan, we need more and more money when we try to buy a lot of beer per litter in Finland, that means, it is quite strict rule for drinking alcohole as well as for teenagers only for over 18 from the government in Finland. We cannot buy any alcohole from the shop after 9 pm. Anyway, I finally decided to buy wisky, which costs 8-10 euro for one small bottle of wisky(335ml or less), but I can survive for 1 week or more to drink it. But I need to show my passport, oh I am 21 years old!
Still my right leg is well, hopefully it is getting better. I need a much more time to cure it compeletely!
Yuji @Narpes, FIN
I am still keep slowly heading for Vaasa, the city which is located almost half of the coast line of Finland. The country is quite huge compared to those country which I have already passed. In addition of the country size, I spend for about one week of my holiday and my leg is still not working well. I am keep moving almost 50km per day. That's why, I feel like that Finland is really big country! But surprisingly, it is a bit smaller than Japan!
Yesterday, I slept in a forest with fire to eat some potates for dinner. For these several days, it has been nice weather and easy to barn those trees. I picked some brenches from the forest and then I easily to make an stable fire. But at the same time, it might be burn to the other glass or trees if I lost attention to the fire. It was really natural and wild area. Birds, squwarrals are jumping from one tree to another. I cannot hear nothing except for that dance.
Because of the expensive beer, I finally decided to buy wisky after I got to Finland. The price of beer, for example, a can of beer of 500ml costs 2 and half euro. (For example in Slovakia, it was less than 1 euro to buy the same one)Interestingly, when I try to buy a can of beer which is smaller than 500, it was 335ml or so , that cost only for 1 and half euro or less. Different from Japan, we need more and more money when we try to buy a lot of beer per litter in Finland, that means, it is quite strict rule for drinking alcohole as well as for teenagers only for over 18 from the government in Finland. We cannot buy any alcohole from the shop after 9 pm. Anyway, I finally decided to buy wisky, which costs 8-10 euro for one small bottle of wisky(335ml or less), but I can survive for 1 week or more to drink it. But I need to show my passport, oh I am 21 years old!
Still my right leg is well, hopefully it is getting better. I need a much more time to cure it compeletely!
Yuji @Narpes, FIN
Lazy Going
Because of my difficult situation to go, I have slept in a beach at Pori and stayed there for two nights, but it is still not good for cycling even if the weather is so nice!
The day at beach, yesterday, I was really lazy just because I really wanted to go and boring!
I woak up at 10am after sleeping again for two times because of the pain. After breakfast on the beach, I went to swim in the sea. The water was still cold but enough tempreture to swim. The shore of the Pori continues about 4 km and it is one of a resort for the people who want to swim in the sea. In Finland it has a lot of sea, moreover the country is surrounded by the sea. However, because of the special feature of the land, not all shore can swim. Actually it is not easy to find a place to swim in the sea. It is much more easier to find a place to swim in a lake.
Anyway, after swimming in the sea, I started to go to the crowded area of the sea to see some nice girl in there. However, in this season there is a lot of family more than couple or young generation. Kids are always have energy and I couldn't slept well. Finally, I started to swim again. People in Finlamd, compared to Japan, it has a lot of fat people. I don't know exactly the reason why so many people are fat, it seems like in the States. Fat people indicate to the economic situation each country. Don't you think so?
After coming back to my lying tent, I started to drink some wisky then I started to sleep again. My ears caught some voice of kids, funny light voice and then I woak up with slight headach. I was not felt like good because of the disturbing of my sleeping, finally I jumped into the sea again.
After 10pm, it had getting dark and I ate some bread for my last supper of the day with radio. I was keep listing to the radio for whole days long, there was several nice and memorial song in there. One of the song which I love was chiki-chi-ta, the song from radio was only joy of the day. And yesterday was the second day of nothing to buy, moreover I was staying in the beach all the time.
Regardless of the whole days rest, my right leg has still a bit different feeling than before. But, I finally decided to keep going and ask for a doctor at Vassa if it is still painful.
Yuji @ Merikarvia, FIN
The day at beach, yesterday, I was really lazy just because I really wanted to go and boring!
I woak up at 10am after sleeping again for two times because of the pain. After breakfast on the beach, I went to swim in the sea. The water was still cold but enough tempreture to swim. The shore of the Pori continues about 4 km and it is one of a resort for the people who want to swim in the sea. In Finland it has a lot of sea, moreover the country is surrounded by the sea. However, because of the special feature of the land, not all shore can swim. Actually it is not easy to find a place to swim in the sea. It is much more easier to find a place to swim in a lake.
Anyway, after swimming in the sea, I started to go to the crowded area of the sea to see some nice girl in there. However, in this season there is a lot of family more than couple or young generation. Kids are always have energy and I couldn't slept well. Finally, I started to swim again. People in Finlamd, compared to Japan, it has a lot of fat people. I don't know exactly the reason why so many people are fat, it seems like in the States. Fat people indicate to the economic situation each country. Don't you think so?
After coming back to my lying tent, I started to drink some wisky then I started to sleep again. My ears caught some voice of kids, funny light voice and then I woak up with slight headach. I was not felt like good because of the disturbing of my sleeping, finally I jumped into the sea again.
After 10pm, it had getting dark and I ate some bread for my last supper of the day with radio. I was keep listing to the radio for whole days long, there was several nice and memorial song in there. One of the song which I love was chiki-chi-ta, the song from radio was only joy of the day. And yesterday was the second day of nothing to buy, moreover I was staying in the beach all the time.
Regardless of the whole days rest, my right leg has still a bit different feeling than before. But, I finally decided to keep going and ask for a doctor at Vassa if it is still painful.
Yuji @ Merikarvia, FIN
Jump into the Lake and back and force to Sauna
My right leg has started to pain again after riding on my bike for about 70 km.
When I was riding on my bike with no pain, I felt like nothing especially even if it was best condition. But once I have injoured my leg, I couldn't do it as I did before. Well... even if my condition is best except for my right leg.
Yesterday, I went to a Sauna at a lake near Pori with my host and his friends. It was my first time to going to Sauna in Europe. In Finland, traditionally Sauna is a part of their life and they often to enjoy it. Sauna itself it was quite similar that I took in Japan but it had not a automatically heat, that means that we need to make fire to keep the room warm. We were 6 student altogether in Sauna with suimming suits. I forgot it actually and I need to take my underware to hide the symbol. But, my host, for example he was nakid even if there were some girls! They didn't make an attention to it.
After 5-10 minutes in the room, we are getting warmer and warmer! And finally we couldn't bear it and get out of the room, then jumped into the lake. The cottage which we stayed was connected to the lake with road made of woods. We enjoyed warming up in the Sauna as well as swimming in the lake. I am not a good swimmer, even if so, I barely swam in the lake.
By the way, one thing which I amazed in Finland was that all the student after graduate from their high school, they need to go to army service. (We, in Japan, don't have that system after the second world war) Almost all the student of a university who I met in here, they have already experienced army training before entrance in their university. What I want to say is that army training is really important to keep the country safe? One the one hand, we can keep our country safe if we have an army as a self-defence. Because, we can easily make an army when it happens and have a system for fight. On the other hand, we spend a lot of money and energy to make a lot of gum or other equipment for fighting. Historically, there were a lot of invation from Russia and Germany as well as civil war in Finland, that is one of the reason why they, government tries to take a training for everybody, I think.
We normally think that those wars which we, in the world, have experienced in the 19th century will never happens for the future. On that point, we don't need to make a force to fight. Even if it might be true, some country like North Korea, Middle eastern countries as well as African countries, they might be make an key to war as we saw in Afganistan and Irap as well.
This is not a easy to make an conclusion for few time but I hope that the world would shifting for disamament to keep the world safty.
Yuji @ Pori, FIN
Going not to farther is the best way to keep my journey at the moment
When I was riding on my bike with no pain, I felt like nothing especially even if it was best condition. But once I have injoured my leg, I couldn't do it as I did before. Well... even if my condition is best except for my right leg.
Yesterday, I went to a Sauna at a lake near Pori with my host and his friends. It was my first time to going to Sauna in Europe. In Finland, traditionally Sauna is a part of their life and they often to enjoy it. Sauna itself it was quite similar that I took in Japan but it had not a automatically heat, that means that we need to make fire to keep the room warm. We were 6 student altogether in Sauna with suimming suits. I forgot it actually and I need to take my underware to hide the symbol. But, my host, for example he was nakid even if there were some girls! They didn't make an attention to it.
After 5-10 minutes in the room, we are getting warmer and warmer! And finally we couldn't bear it and get out of the room, then jumped into the lake. The cottage which we stayed was connected to the lake with road made of woods. We enjoyed warming up in the Sauna as well as swimming in the lake. I am not a good swimmer, even if so, I barely swam in the lake.
By the way, one thing which I amazed in Finland was that all the student after graduate from their high school, they need to go to army service. (We, in Japan, don't have that system after the second world war) Almost all the student of a university who I met in here, they have already experienced army training before entrance in their university. What I want to say is that army training is really important to keep the country safe? One the one hand, we can keep our country safe if we have an army as a self-defence. Because, we can easily make an army when it happens and have a system for fight. On the other hand, we spend a lot of money and energy to make a lot of gum or other equipment for fighting. Historically, there were a lot of invation from Russia and Germany as well as civil war in Finland, that is one of the reason why they, government tries to take a training for everybody, I think.
We normally think that those wars which we, in the world, have experienced in the 19th century will never happens for the future. On that point, we don't need to make a force to fight. Even if it might be true, some country like North Korea, Middle eastern countries as well as African countries, they might be make an key to war as we saw in Afganistan and Irap as well.
This is not a easy to make an conclusion for few time but I hope that the world would shifting for disamament to keep the world safty.
Yuji @ Pori, FIN
Going not to farther is the best way to keep my journey at the moment
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