It took about one and half an hour from Copenhagen to Amsterdam. Flight from Copenhagen to Amsterdam sounds very light but I feel that this flight is only once in a life time! Short flight but it was cool!
To tell the truth, I don't like that much taking a flight with bicycle because I have to pack it everything at the airport and almost everybody watching me while I am packing on. After I got to the airport in CPH, I was taking a rest in front of a KLM counter before started to packing eating some foods which I carry with to reduce. Then a man (I think he is from French just because his English sounds like French-English) came to the counter complaining something about his flight which has already gone. I missed the direct reason why he got some trouble with his flight but he told to the woman like this
"Why should I have to pay for 380 Euro to take another flight to Paris? This is not my fault!! You should pay for me!! That´s not my fault!! You have responsible for that, right? "
He insisted that KLM should pay for his another flight to take in order to go back to Paris because the reason to miss the flight was not his fault. And as far as I heard he worked immigration and that's why he know what it is working about those system to flight and everything. He was flighting with two women at the counter with his very strong anger. I was watching what is going on just besides the counter drinking the rest of rose. About 15 minutes to fight he or her finally decided to talk with a cheaf or the person who have responsibility more than that of the woman at the counter. Later, the cheaf came and started to talk the situation and what he was facing with. About 10 minutes later they finally make a conclusion that KLM might pay for his another flight just because I though that he is no more anger to. Instead I drunk.
The thing which I thought during the conversation between them people in Europe they have a strong power to talk and insist that if they think that is true. I reraly see the similar situation in Japan any other than my father.
After packing them up to the flight I headed for the check-in counter to pass the gate. I know the some people in airport they are pretty cold for the costmer especially like me who looks like stranger. I am not the person who don't want to make an argument to the people with strong passion but I sometimes do. In order to avoid the situation and thinking those complicated situation easily I drunk a little bit of wine. Before going to the counter I had to check-in on display in front of the check-in and I didn't know that. The person told me "You should do first to check-in with that machine." And I said "OK! I understand. But what do you think that my bike is OK to take a flight to? I didn't know about how to pack my bike in order to suit of your rule. Well, that's OK!"
When I came to the machine I didn't know how to use but I tried and confused! Then I asked the person who looks like a costmer service and he told me like that "Your check in over you should go to the counter" but when I was in line someone told me "Who is Yuji Takahashi? Japanese right?" The person who was at the machine called my name and I forgot the tage for my luggede and I rose my hand! He came to me"Are you Yuji Takahashi? That's yours!" And I said "That's what I was asking you!" And he said "Sorry! But this is for you!!"
I was a littele bit frustrating of that situation but I kept on the process to be checked in! When my turn came, the man at the counter told me "Is it OK for you to pack your bicycle like that? Because we cannot assure that you're bike all the way safe to Amsterdam because of the less attention for packing." I was a little bit angry because they didn't say the same thing even though they are sitting on the same counter and I said "what? the guy who is sitting next to you didn't say the same as you told me!" He told me again "You should make a sign here in order to keep this process which the sign means that we have no responsible for your bike if it's broke down!" And I said "What kind of option do I have then?" He told me that you can buy a cardbord to pack it up to be safe. I made a sign not to repack again. I didn't feel like that they are professional of that process.
After check-in I headed for the cheking the luggedge into the plain. Different from the former flight this is the international one which is a little bit strict rule to bring the luggede to the airplain. I though that it is posibble to take a can of beer in but it didn't. That's what I drunk a beer before the check and one left at the garbege. To tell the truth, I left some Denish Kr which I had no idea to use and it makes a problem for me to carry because it is heavy that's why I changed it to the beer on the plain but didn't to carry on. Since the limited capacy on my luggedge I had to put on my shirts, sweter and pants as much as I can at that time. With a lot of luggede. When my turn came, the person who is cheking told me that "You should come with me!" I brought to a small room to check. He told me "You should put off your cloths and pants and show us what you have." They checked everything what I had with a small bag at that time. After that they found some bicycle tool out of my luggedge and told me "You are not allowed to carry this one!" And I asked them "Well what kind of option do I have?" "Either left here or back to the check-in counter to send it with your luggedge." I decided to carry on because I need them to pack my bike at Amsterdam. I went to the same check-in counter where I was checked in and that time it was easy-going because he know me and easily understand the situation. That was nice! Then the second time I manage to go through the luggedge counter without any problem. I took a flight to Amsterdam then.
After I got to the airport, I thought it might be possible to stay at the airport at that night. Actually, I asked people who are working at the airport and they told me that I can stay at. I stared to sleep with matress and sleeping bags after I bulit my bicycle. Then a police at the airport came to me and asked what I was doing there asking like "Hello! what are you doing here?" "And I answerd I am trying to sleep in here since my flight was late and tomorrow I will leave to the city center!" Then he said "OK! You can stay here but around 6-7 in the mornig you should wake up because a lot of people came." Then I started to sleep after silence came. Around 4 pm. somone woke me up saying "Hello". I was still sleeping but I was wake up quickly because I though stranger came to me. The guy was another police and he said "You cannot sleep in here you should go out around 5am. Before you can stay!" That's why I had to wake up at 5am with frustration for sleeping. I was sleepy.
5pm at the airport with built bicycle, I had no idea what to do because it was raining and dark and then I finally decided to take a train to the city center! It only for 15km or so but I had no power to get on the way with rain I feel like I am tired still.
Amsterdam is amazing! So beautiful city with lovely cannal. A lot of water came into the city. I was wondering yesterday the place where I going to sleep because I didn't want to make up my tent in the city and tried to sleep in the youth hostel or something. I visited some places to stay and asking for a room to stay. I found some room but all rooms shifting more or less 35 Euro which was a little bit over my budget and then I finally decided to ask the camping site where is located 5km from the city center! Yesterday it was a lot of rain but I finally feel confortable to st
ay there.(feel like safe!)
During this journey, I had a lot of question by myself either to stay at the camping site or wild camp but not between camping site and hostle. Still, I have a power to stay at camping site which cost less than 10 Euro. that's suitable for me. When I was in Finland camping site normally cost 15 Euro (Of course it was high season!) Here it feels a little bit cheaper than that.
Now it looks like the sun came! I am going out to explor this lovely city!!
Yuji @ Amsterdam, Netherlands
Coming to Uganda as a Primary School Teacher. I'm a member of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers(JOCV), related to ODA.
The Last Day in Denmark
It was second time for me to cross a border by ferry after Estland-Finnish one. The ferry took about 20minutes from Helsinborg to Helsingor where is the first city in Denmark. Helsingor looks like worth visiting as far as I heard from the local people especially for a castle of Hamlet which looks like very beautiful. For me is was enough to see from the ferry.
Taking about four hours from Helsingor, I got to the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen where is a kind of city similar to Sweden. Bofore getting to the center, I asked the way to get for several people. Surprisingly, two of them they have been to Japan and I thought that this is the country where is one of a richest in Europe. I can classify those people who have been to Japan only two types, one is for a job, as a containership or something, I met a lot of people who have been to Japan in Norway. The other one is just for holiday or study abroad. About 70-80% of the young people who have been to Japan were as a holiday. However, I met quite a few people who have been to in Eastern Europe different from Scandinavian which means traveling to Japan is very expensive for them as I do come to here. By contrast, traveling to Tailand or somewhere in ASEAN countries are much more cheaper than Japan which I met a lot of people been to then.
The same day I ran to Roskild where is about 30km west from the capital to visit my friend who I met in Slovakia. He has started to study in Denmark as his first year of his university. I stayed at his place for two days before coming back to CPH. He told me about how hard to make a life in Denmark because it is so expensive to buy something for him even though Slovakia is first country which has started to use Euro. There are still a lot of economic differences between them I strongly felt.
According to his information, CPH is one of the most expensive capital in the world. For me I mean people from Japan we might think that it is expensive but it could bare to keep almost the same living standard as I do in Japan. Just because I think Japan is the most expensive country in Asia, right? I will say that I am lucky to be born in Japan.
This is a kind of stupid story but I want to say something about it.
If I saw a new car in from of the show window which is sold about 1,000 Euro. And we started to think that "Oh! This is the car which is very cheap I want to buy!" but in contrast if we saw an apple which is sold the same price as the car at the next to the car and we probably started to think "What a expensive apple in the world! Who wanna buy it!" This is what people started to think depends on the things and the price. However, when it comes to bicycle and plain ticket if we saw as the same situation with former two that what we are started to think? I mean if I saw both bicycle and plain ticket to Japan from here which is 1000 Euro. I might started to think if I want to buy because it is not too expensive to buy. I think this is not universal opinion for everyone in the world. Some people started to think that "even 1000 Euro for both bike and plain ticket, still it is expensive" or "Not too cheap but it is good price to buy" or "Too cheap I want to buy the one!".
It is not easy to make a friend if there is a big economic differences which I have been feeling during this journey. World economy based on each countries are unfair!
After Roskild, I was back to CPH and today I am going to take a flight to Amsterdam for a week or so to take some rest and visiting some of my friends.
In tortal, I am staying in Denmark more or less one week when it is not enough to know much about the country. I feel like at least one month I need to know about it.
One thing that CPH is the city where is very bicycle friendly and almost everybody likes to ride on it as I saw in Tokyo. There are a bicycle pass just beside the road and people are very faster than me to ride on which I have to care about it when I cycling in the city. At the same time the pass used for motor bicycle as well which are not the same as in Japan. I hope in Japan will be much more bicycle friendly city in near future.
Yuji @ Copenhagen, Denmark
The Day before Denmark
Welcome Symon!!!
I have been thinking what I am going to do next. To tell the truth, I was tortally tired when I was in Jonkoping and I was thinking the possibility to get to Copenhagen to use another transportation network. However, I could somehow get to Copenhagen by bicycke but I will take a plain from there.
People they say that you should take few days off from your journey. But I think it is enough few days off or even in a week for my mustle but when it comes to my mind I need a long time rest in order to travel go further. I know about that I need a rest. Even I sometimes feel like that I am tired more than I thought especially when I feel like very hot with my buck when I feel like stressful which I have to say that I will end up with this jourey.
The story is funny my first plan is only three months from Istanbul to UK but even six months later I couldn't get to there. However, what I noticed in these days is that it doesn't matter if I can get to Edinburgh in Scotland where I have been talking to people as a final destination for this journey. A lot of people who I met traveling in Sweden they told me that you should change your destination to Spain or Italy where are much warmer than here. I thought it is true that I can get warm if I go there but the importatnt thing which I should do is to spot traveling by regardless of either taking my bike or not. I need rest.
However, I am sartisfied with traveling by bicycle that is the most important point, aren't you?
I just booked a flight from Copenhagen to Amsterdam, the capital in Netherlands. I will definetely take this flight. I have to do somehow close to UK from Copenhagen that was my power to get here.
The main rweason why I booked a flight to Amsterdam is that I have several friend in Netherland and one of them is a guy who he came to Japan in last year as a exchange student at neibour university. At the same time, I have a friend in Germany where is the close to border to Netherland. I am still doubting if I visit there but meeting up with those people who had already known about me before this journey must be fine which I have started to think during this period. In addition, I have a friend near Copenhagen who I met during this journey and I think I will be happy when I meet him again. Meeting with new people are also interesting but it's only when I feel like finding something new when is not now unfortunately! I am a little bit conservative since I feel like tired traveling by. But of course, I respect those people who will host me!
The another reason is that I really want to take a ferry from France (Calais) to Dover cross over English channel which is a little dream for my last part of journey.I don't know if I have a same chance in my life.
I feel like that I have been changing through this journey. The first part of journey in Eastern Europe that I was thinking "I can go wherever I want to put up my tent without taking any help from the people" That was my mind three to six months ago. However since after Northcape I feel like that "I can travel by bicycle but I need a help from the prople.", which is not always good thing to think like that.
Two days ago in the evening I was wondering if I find a place asking to someone from the farmland. The day was pretty much rain and wind, which reminds a typhoon in Japan. Actually, I cannot find anyone who gave me a place to stay or give a good information to find a place. Just after came out from the farmland, I saw a light on the window where there are a lot of people having a dinner and then they saw me from the window I thought they were curious to talk with me and I rose my hand. Suddenly, the light turned off. I was really shocked but I pretemd that I didn't feel anything keep shaving my hand. I saw a silet of the people over the window. Twice...Three times.... And finally one of them gave me a answer and I approached to the door to ask the place where I can stay near his place. At that moment, I didn't want to stay with them but I was curious what will they say to me. They told me that I should be back to the city where is just 5 km from there place but the way I am from. You can find a place to stay in the city they said. And I thought "I am not too fool missing some places to stay in the city " But, I didn't say like that. "I am finding a place to put up my tent or place where there is a roof near here. Even as you told me the wind will push mw back to the city, I won't be back there! " And then , the man told me "You cannot stay near here but you can put up your tent in everywhere not too close to here. You sould take care of yourself!"
When I hear the last part of conversation "You should take care of your self", I felt like that I cannot travel without any help from the people which means I should finish my journey. I know I took a quite a lot of help from the people over the internet but at the same time I took a help from the rial society which makes me happy but not from the everyone that's the riality and I don't want to stay then.
I will decide if I go to Paris but I don't think that I am going there with this motivation but I should say that I have a motivation traveling from Amsterdam to UK either go by bike or some other transportation.
Lastly, this time is another turning point of my travel. Traveling to meet those people who I have already known bofore this journey. I don't know when I will meet them in the future for which must be another precious time I believe.
Yuji @ Helsingborg, Sweden
I have been thinking what I am going to do next. To tell the truth, I was tortally tired when I was in Jonkoping and I was thinking the possibility to get to Copenhagen to use another transportation network. However, I could somehow get to Copenhagen by bicycke but I will take a plain from there.
People they say that you should take few days off from your journey. But I think it is enough few days off or even in a week for my mustle but when it comes to my mind I need a long time rest in order to travel go further. I know about that I need a rest. Even I sometimes feel like that I am tired more than I thought especially when I feel like very hot with my buck when I feel like stressful which I have to say that I will end up with this jourey.
The story is funny my first plan is only three months from Istanbul to UK but even six months later I couldn't get to there. However, what I noticed in these days is that it doesn't matter if I can get to Edinburgh in Scotland where I have been talking to people as a final destination for this journey. A lot of people who I met traveling in Sweden they told me that you should change your destination to Spain or Italy where are much warmer than here. I thought it is true that I can get warm if I go there but the importatnt thing which I should do is to spot traveling by regardless of either taking my bike or not. I need rest.
However, I am sartisfied with traveling by bicycle that is the most important point, aren't you?
I just booked a flight from Copenhagen to Amsterdam, the capital in Netherlands. I will definetely take this flight. I have to do somehow close to UK from Copenhagen that was my power to get here.
The main rweason why I booked a flight to Amsterdam is that I have several friend in Netherland and one of them is a guy who he came to Japan in last year as a exchange student at neibour university. At the same time, I have a friend in Germany where is the close to border to Netherland. I am still doubting if I visit there but meeting up with those people who had already known about me before this journey must be fine which I have started to think during this period. In addition, I have a friend near Copenhagen who I met during this journey and I think I will be happy when I meet him again. Meeting with new people are also interesting but it's only when I feel like finding something new when is not now unfortunately! I am a little bit conservative since I feel like tired traveling by. But of course, I respect those people who will host me!
The another reason is that I really want to take a ferry from France (Calais) to Dover cross over English channel which is a little dream for my last part of journey.I don't know if I have a same chance in my life.
I feel like that I have been changing through this journey. The first part of journey in Eastern Europe that I was thinking "I can go wherever I want to put up my tent without taking any help from the people" That was my mind three to six months ago. However since after Northcape I feel like that "I can travel by bicycle but I need a help from the prople.", which is not always good thing to think like that.
Two days ago in the evening I was wondering if I find a place asking to someone from the farmland. The day was pretty much rain and wind, which reminds a typhoon in Japan. Actually, I cannot find anyone who gave me a place to stay or give a good information to find a place. Just after came out from the farmland, I saw a light on the window where there are a lot of people having a dinner and then they saw me from the window I thought they were curious to talk with me and I rose my hand. Suddenly, the light turned off. I was really shocked but I pretemd that I didn't feel anything keep shaving my hand. I saw a silet of the people over the window. Twice...Three times.... And finally one of them gave me a answer and I approached to the door to ask the place where I can stay near his place. At that moment, I didn't want to stay with them but I was curious what will they say to me. They told me that I should be back to the city where is just 5 km from there place but the way I am from. You can find a place to stay in the city they said. And I thought "I am not too fool missing some places to stay in the city " But, I didn't say like that. "I am finding a place to put up my tent or place where there is a roof near here. Even as you told me the wind will push mw back to the city, I won't be back there! " And then , the man told me "You cannot stay near here but you can put up your tent in everywhere not too close to here. You sould take care of yourself!"
When I hear the last part of conversation "You should take care of your self", I felt like that I cannot travel without any help from the people which means I should finish my journey. I know I took a quite a lot of help from the people over the internet but at the same time I took a help from the rial society which makes me happy but not from the everyone that's the riality and I don't want to stay then.
I will decide if I go to Paris but I don't think that I am going there with this motivation but I should say that I have a motivation traveling from Amsterdam to UK either go by bike or some other transportation.
Lastly, this time is another turning point of my travel. Traveling to meet those people who I have already known bofore this journey. I don't know when I will meet them in the future for which must be another precious time I believe.
Yuji @ Helsingborg, Sweden
To be Light
Five days passed from Jonkoping where there was a last stop, I have been keep riding on my bike with rain. I feel like very tired traveling by then, but I noticed that the day bofore left from the city when I was riding on the bike without any luggege that "Oh! This would be very nice!" after that I have started to think the possibility to reduce my stuff then.
Those heavy stuff are sleeping bag, tent instead of hotel which I really need to sleep outside. If I have a power only sleep at the buss stop I don't have to carry with then.
Foods instead of restaurant are also important but I can choose those light foods instead. It goes without saying that I have been boring those European foods then.
Cloth, I have still having some cloth for when I want to change and washing but I should throw them away or to give someone who need it except those cloth which I am putting on at the moment.
Book, I have still using a heavy European Map which I don't know if I really need it. I use only one page or two for a week.
Camera, I have two. One is degital which has been almost broken and the other one is a heavy manual camera which I use only once in a week with some films since this kind of weather has started. But I want to keep of two.
Yesterday, in the evening I was watching the map to think about the way which I am going to take and suddenly the fire from a candle started to make a fire with sleeping bag. I could manage to push them off but I got a big hole at my sleeping bag. I should have to kept eyes on my fire. Candle, still I need?
I am trying to reduce my stuff at least one thing a day which makes me happy. Today is a day of rain and I have no idea what to do or I don't feel like that I have to do anything to take some rest. Outside will be dark at 4pm which I have two hours left. I will leave here tomorrow for Helsingborg then to Denmark.
Yuji @ Orkelljunga, Sweden
PS. This feels me a daily task even though I cannot make my light voice. I am sorry about that.
Those heavy stuff are sleeping bag, tent instead of hotel which I really need to sleep outside. If I have a power only sleep at the buss stop I don't have to carry with then.
Foods instead of restaurant are also important but I can choose those light foods instead. It goes without saying that I have been boring those European foods then.
Cloth, I have still having some cloth for when I want to change and washing but I should throw them away or to give someone who need it except those cloth which I am putting on at the moment.
Book, I have still using a heavy European Map which I don't know if I really need it. I use only one page or two for a week.
Camera, I have two. One is degital which has been almost broken and the other one is a heavy manual camera which I use only once in a week with some films since this kind of weather has started. But I want to keep of two.
Yesterday, in the evening I was watching the map to think about the way which I am going to take and suddenly the fire from a candle started to make a fire with sleeping bag. I could manage to push them off but I got a big hole at my sleeping bag. I should have to kept eyes on my fire. Candle, still I need?
I am trying to reduce my stuff at least one thing a day which makes me happy. Today is a day of rain and I have no idea what to do or I don't feel like that I have to do anything to take some rest. Outside will be dark at 4pm which I have two hours left. I will leave here tomorrow for Helsingborg then to Denmark.
Yuji @ Orkelljunga, Sweden
PS. This feels me a daily task even though I cannot make my light voice. I am sorry about that.
Precious Time
I have been thinking the way to release my stress since I've realise that why my jaw had started to have pain.
To tell the truth, it is not easy to say when is the most confortable time traveling by bicycle at the moment. I am not sure when but I am pretty sure that I was enjoying riding on my bike on the way to Northcape. Even after I got a knee problem at Tampare in Finland I was enjoying traveling by bicycle to know something new and to talk with people who I haven't met with their different culture. In short, I found out something to fun from the riding on. In contrast, especially after Oslo I cannot find out what is the interesting time when I am riding on the bicycle. Surely, I don't enjoy riding on for this one-two weeks. I don't know how to solve this problem. Before this depression I have also enjoyed talking with the people on the way but people in this region as well as drivers they are very cold for me compared to northern Norway. Even when I say "hello" to the people from the bike, they might say hello but not all people say "hello" to me. This mentality is quite similar to Japanese people which I don't like. It is very sad why they don't want to even say "hello". Cause am I too late for cycling or too strange for them?
I know the easiest way to get to Edinburgh in Scotland is to take a flight from Copenhagen to. But I don't want to take even though in Edinbugh may be solder than now for the next few months. I am keep going on my bike there.
On sunday morning at 11:00, I was at a church in order to attent the misa which was very confortable. I am not the person who believe christ but it was very calmful even though I was just sitting on the bench inside. Actually, I visited those place in several times at randomly but I decided that I am going to visit there in every Sundays from now on.
Talking with the people also important time to release my stress but not for someone but for the person who really understand of my journey. I met a lot of people on the way that they just want to know what I am doing and people who just want to watch my bike not to talking with me. I met a lot of people who just want to say something to my journey who are not helpful. Even people who cannot speak English I can easily feel like that I am OK from their atmosphere. I think people in Japan we are culture of feeling more than that of talking in Europe. I noticed that I am not European but a guy who have Japanese identity.
My host in jonkoping was a person who has traveled from Spain to India by bicycle last year. He understood what I had been doing. It is not easy to meet those people that was really precious time for me.
Sometimes when I got to the big city I send a postcard to my freind in Japan and when they send a message in returen for the card by e-mail I normally get a power out of them. That kind of power which I can get from them are hardly get from the people who I meet here.
By the way, just few hours ago I was at a supermarket to buy some foods and then I noticed that the light in the super. is stronger than outside. The light even it is from electlicyty but for me it was nice to have that.
Yesterday, I slept at buss station with some problem. In these few days the temp. outside is warmer compared to the avarage in this season which I don't have any problem for the temp. But I was feared someone come to my place to do something. I didn't feel like that in the summer time though.
I have to find out more and more something comfortable time in order to keep going safety.
Yuji @ Ljungby, Sweden
PS. I might not to post for a week. Don't worry, I am fine.
To tell the truth, it is not easy to say when is the most confortable time traveling by bicycle at the moment. I am not sure when but I am pretty sure that I was enjoying riding on my bike on the way to Northcape. Even after I got a knee problem at Tampare in Finland I was enjoying traveling by bicycle to know something new and to talk with people who I haven't met with their different culture. In short, I found out something to fun from the riding on. In contrast, especially after Oslo I cannot find out what is the interesting time when I am riding on the bicycle. Surely, I don't enjoy riding on for this one-two weeks. I don't know how to solve this problem. Before this depression I have also enjoyed talking with the people on the way but people in this region as well as drivers they are very cold for me compared to northern Norway. Even when I say "hello" to the people from the bike, they might say hello but not all people say "hello" to me. This mentality is quite similar to Japanese people which I don't like. It is very sad why they don't want to even say "hello". Cause am I too late for cycling or too strange for them?
I know the easiest way to get to Edinburgh in Scotland is to take a flight from Copenhagen to. But I don't want to take even though in Edinbugh may be solder than now for the next few months. I am keep going on my bike there.
On sunday morning at 11:00, I was at a church in order to attent the misa which was very confortable. I am not the person who believe christ but it was very calmful even though I was just sitting on the bench inside. Actually, I visited those place in several times at randomly but I decided that I am going to visit there in every Sundays from now on.
Talking with the people also important time to release my stress but not for someone but for the person who really understand of my journey. I met a lot of people on the way that they just want to know what I am doing and people who just want to watch my bike not to talking with me. I met a lot of people who just want to say something to my journey who are not helpful. Even people who cannot speak English I can easily feel like that I am OK from their atmosphere. I think people in Japan we are culture of feeling more than that of talking in Europe. I noticed that I am not European but a guy who have Japanese identity.
My host in jonkoping was a person who has traveled from Spain to India by bicycle last year. He understood what I had been doing. It is not easy to meet those people that was really precious time for me.
Sometimes when I got to the big city I send a postcard to my freind in Japan and when they send a message in returen for the card by e-mail I normally get a power out of them. That kind of power which I can get from them are hardly get from the people who I meet here.
By the way, just few hours ago I was at a supermarket to buy some foods and then I noticed that the light in the super. is stronger than outside. The light even it is from electlicyty but for me it was nice to have that.
Yesterday, I slept at buss station with some problem. In these few days the temp. outside is warmer compared to the avarage in this season which I don't have any problem for the temp. But I was feared someone come to my place to do something. I didn't feel like that in the summer time though.
I have to find out more and more something comfortable time in order to keep going safety.
Yuji @ Ljungby, Sweden
PS. I might not to post for a week. Don't worry, I am fine.
Doctors Advice
Since my jaw has started to have a pain in these days I finally decided that I was going to ask for a doctor in Jonkoping.
I had a twice asking a doctor to see if they can make my pain better.
Firstly, I was at a doctor who can see for my jaw, nose and ears. I don't exactly know about the English name of this kind of problem. But anyway, the doctor told me that you have no problem as far as I can see. And then nurse came to me to show the place where I can see a dentist at the hospital.
Following the guide from the nurse I went to the dental crinic in the hospital where I can be seem from the dentist. Since they have a lot of patients at their hospital, they seemed they didn't enough time and space to provide for a stranger but so that I had to be seen at the strange room different from the normal patients. Anyway, the dentist was nice person and I open my mouth and he checked if my jaw and teeth are still OK. As his short cheking, my teeth don't have any problem to cure but even he couldn't understad what the problem is from my jaw. There are several possibilities to have that kind of pain. The pain is from your stress first of all he said, and since you have been riding on your bike for a long time with your tight roup from your helmet and it might be make a problem for your teeth and third possibility is that you might make your teeth close strongly at night time with unconsciousness. I have no idea about that if I do so at the night time. He told me that you can make a mouth piece in order not to close strongly with my mouth at night time with more or less 500Kr. The advice what I can do for you at this moment is that you should eat some soft foods not to use of your jaw strongly and take a time to rest to release my stress. Lastly he told me "Take it easy."
The second time when my bike broken at Karlstad in Sweden and the shopkeeper also told me that "Take it easy."
I don't know the reason but I think that both of the people who told me like that might felt from me that I have been tired.
The thing what I noticed after I got some advice from a doctor is that I have to do something better situation to stay at one place before I got sick for my mentality.
I have been thinking about my mustle for this journey if it is still possible to work like my knees but at the same time I should have been care much about mental as well. I know I am not the person who have strong mentality.
800Kr. in Oslo for front wheel
850Kr. in Karlstad for chain and rear tire
650Kr. in Sodatalija for rear wheel
1900Kr. at Hospital in Jonkoping for my jaw
Furthermore, I cannot make cost performance at the moment if I keep continue to ride on my bike with bad weather to Edinburgh in Scotland. I don't know what kind of problem will happen in the near future. But I can take another way to get there in order to make my condition better. I believe that I can still use my brain.
Even I don't have to travel by bike all the way as I took a flight from Bodo to Oslo.
Bicycle should be a kind of measure for traveling not the purpose for.
I have to decied what to do next...
Yuji @ Jonkoping, Sweden
I had a twice asking a doctor to see if they can make my pain better.
Firstly, I was at a doctor who can see for my jaw, nose and ears. I don't exactly know about the English name of this kind of problem. But anyway, the doctor told me that you have no problem as far as I can see. And then nurse came to me to show the place where I can see a dentist at the hospital.
Following the guide from the nurse I went to the dental crinic in the hospital where I can be seem from the dentist. Since they have a lot of patients at their hospital, they seemed they didn't enough time and space to provide for a stranger but so that I had to be seen at the strange room different from the normal patients. Anyway, the dentist was nice person and I open my mouth and he checked if my jaw and teeth are still OK. As his short cheking, my teeth don't have any problem to cure but even he couldn't understad what the problem is from my jaw. There are several possibilities to have that kind of pain. The pain is from your stress first of all he said, and since you have been riding on your bike for a long time with your tight roup from your helmet and it might be make a problem for your teeth and third possibility is that you might make your teeth close strongly at night time with unconsciousness. I have no idea about that if I do so at the night time. He told me that you can make a mouth piece in order not to close strongly with my mouth at night time with more or less 500Kr. The advice what I can do for you at this moment is that you should eat some soft foods not to use of your jaw strongly and take a time to rest to release my stress. Lastly he told me "Take it easy."
The second time when my bike broken at Karlstad in Sweden and the shopkeeper also told me that "Take it easy."
I don't know the reason but I think that both of the people who told me like that might felt from me that I have been tired.
The thing what I noticed after I got some advice from a doctor is that I have to do something better situation to stay at one place before I got sick for my mentality.
I have been thinking about my mustle for this journey if it is still possible to work like my knees but at the same time I should have been care much about mental as well. I know I am not the person who have strong mentality.
800Kr. in Oslo for front wheel
850Kr. in Karlstad for chain and rear tire
650Kr. in Sodatalija for rear wheel
1900Kr. at Hospital in Jonkoping for my jaw
Furthermore, I cannot make cost performance at the moment if I keep continue to ride on my bike with bad weather to Edinburgh in Scotland. I don't know what kind of problem will happen in the near future. But I can take another way to get there in order to make my condition better. I believe that I can still use my brain.
Even I don't have to travel by bike all the way as I took a flight from Bodo to Oslo.
Bicycle should be a kind of measure for traveling not the purpose for.
I have to decied what to do next...
Yuji @ Jonkoping, Sweden
The Autumn in Scandinavian

In Scandinavian, people might think that fall comes after hot summer and winter comes when they have got snow. The season for fall decided depends on the year. When I was in Northern Norway, people told me this year snow comes much faster than usual which means their fall were very short.
Since I took a fright from Northern Norway to Oslo, I feel like the season back to fall from winter. However, in my opinion the differences between fall and winter is the thing which from the sky is rain or snow instead of sun.
Three days after Karlstad, the nickname of this city is suncity based on the statue of a woman who is the person all the time shining to the citizen, I had very nice weather with nice trees even though the tempreture were very low. After that when I was in the capital I also got some sun for two-three hours a day at least. But after that I have been waiting for the sun under the clouds.
To tell the truth, I got some snow on the way just after Stockholm. Snows turn to be rain below 4 degrees. It is not feels too cold when I ride on the bike. But, once I tried to take some rest I feel like cold especially in the morning and evening when I try to sleep in the tent.
That's why for these several days, I couldn't sleep well when I sleep in outside. The problem is tempreture but at the same time I have another reason. In Northern Scandinavian, the density of the people are quite less compared to here. So in here I have to sleep close to the high way as well as houses. Especially in Sweden (I think it is not only for Sweden but not in north!) there are side roads of high way which used to be used as a main road to connect one city to another but now it has made it to the European road as they show us E00(number). I prefer using those side roads because it is shortest way to get to the another city.
By the way just few hours ago, I was in a supermarket at the city. I was in the cash desk and paid money in return for foods which I bought. And the shopkeeper push my foods in the desk to put in to the plastic bag by myself. (It is quite different from Japanese style.) And then I was walked to the desk to pack it up. And I saw a wallet has been left there and there was a old woman who is going out from the supermarket. And then, I though she was forgot to keep it in her bag. Reflexively, I said "Hey, Mom! You forgot your wallet!!" but she couldn't hear and pick that wallet to her and said again. "Is this yours?" I understand that the wallet is hers with her face and she took it. Maybe she said "thank you!" or something I couldn't hear but it's OK for me.
I feel like that I am still OK not to take it with silence. I am still normal even though the weather in Scandinavian is crazy! I hope that I will get to Jonkoping tomorrow!
Yuji @ Odeshog, Sweden
PS. Even today the weather is dark with mist and very windy. Luckly the wind push me down to south! Keep it all the way!!
Swedish Weekend
"Which wine do you prefer red or white?"
"Unfortunately, niether do I. I love Rose!"
The last Friday and Saturday, I enjoyed dinking and talking with Swedish people.
On Friday night I was at the central station of Norkopping waiting for a host at the same time with drying the stuff which have already wet for 2-3 hours. When I was in there, the person at the end of bench asked me "Where are you coming from?" with very natural English but I was a little bit afraid because at that time there are several drinking people with begging for money. The person who asked me he is black and I feel like why he is asking me. I didn't answer to him even though I know what he is asking. "Where are you coming from?" the second question came but I just looking to him but no answer. The third question come "Where are you coming from? " I finally decided that I am going to reply for it. "I am from Japan." I feel like the same situation which I have experienced in Tanzania, the former travel and I was afraid of it. When I was in there, people asked me as he did in here and normally after that they are coming to me to show something in order to get some money. They said to me in the last part of meeting, "Give me a nice tip!"
But I soonly understood that he is not the same person as I met in Tanzania from his cloth and eys and things which he had. Actually, he told me that he is Swedish but his grabdparents from Africa. The thing which I surprised that his way of thinking is Africa even though his family has been lived in Sweden more than 50 years at least. I strongly feel like that people need a time to adopt in different society.
I had a rose wine at that time and he had some beer we enjoyed taliking with each other with some poor people in the same room. It was strange situation one guy from Japan, one guy is from Sweden with African mentality and two poor drinking people from Sweden and one man correcting a bottle from the people. He gave the bottle to him after he drunk a beer, I am not the same person but I did the same thing as the poor Swedish people do in here.
After that, my host come to the station to pick me up to his place. He is a guy from Sweden. We went to a student bar after we dropped my luggedge at his place. The price in a bar is much cheaper than Norway especially in student one. To tell the truth, I didn't go any bar in Norway mainly because of the price. Moreover I am not the person who want to go a bar alone. I bought a beer or wine from a shop when I want to drink. That was the life in Norway. That's why this is the bar after Turku in Finland as my memory. With his friend we talked about my traveling experience and was pretty good night!
I woak up at 10am in the morning on Saturday. After eating breakfast, I left to Linkoping which is located about 50 km south from Norkoping.
The next host is a girl from Sweden. Because of her friend's offer we went to her frined's place to have a dinner with red wine. She is a person who is studing medicine and I met her friend's who also studying medicine at Linkoping. Some of her frind's had an experience to come to Japan and I really enjoyed talking with them especially. One thing what I want to write is that I tried Swedish snooth which is similar to tabacco but it's much stronger than tabacco, because the nicotine will directly come to my blood making a crazy feeling. Actually, I had a chance to try in Norway as well but I refuse to do it because it might be bad for my health. After 5-10 minutes started to have it on between my lip and teeth, I feel like that I am drinking. My brain feels like shaking and I felt it on to the paper. Very strong! Enough for once in a life time, maybe...!
However, I tried to do it three times at that night. I was crazy!
I had a chance to go to club at that night but I had enough experience with her and her friend, that's why I didn't go there. To tell the truth, I was in a club only once when I was in Estonia (I had a dog experience, anyway!). I enjoyed dancing and drinking in there but I still somehow couldn't find out the cost performance out of there. I think one of the reason I am originally from Japan and we have very few club in our city. Instead we have a lot of caraoke which are suitable for our culture I think.
In short, I enjoyed night life in Sweden!
Yuji @ Motala, Sweden
"Unfortunately, niether do I. I love Rose!"
The last Friday and Saturday, I enjoyed dinking and talking with Swedish people.
On Friday night I was at the central station of Norkopping waiting for a host at the same time with drying the stuff which have already wet for 2-3 hours. When I was in there, the person at the end of bench asked me "Where are you coming from?" with very natural English but I was a little bit afraid because at that time there are several drinking people with begging for money. The person who asked me he is black and I feel like why he is asking me. I didn't answer to him even though I know what he is asking. "Where are you coming from?" the second question came but I just looking to him but no answer. The third question come "Where are you coming from? " I finally decided that I am going to reply for it. "I am from Japan." I feel like the same situation which I have experienced in Tanzania, the former travel and I was afraid of it. When I was in there, people asked me as he did in here and normally after that they are coming to me to show something in order to get some money. They said to me in the last part of meeting, "Give me a nice tip!"
But I soonly understood that he is not the same person as I met in Tanzania from his cloth and eys and things which he had. Actually, he told me that he is Swedish but his grabdparents from Africa. The thing which I surprised that his way of thinking is Africa even though his family has been lived in Sweden more than 50 years at least. I strongly feel like that people need a time to adopt in different society.
I had a rose wine at that time and he had some beer we enjoyed taliking with each other with some poor people in the same room. It was strange situation one guy from Japan, one guy is from Sweden with African mentality and two poor drinking people from Sweden and one man correcting a bottle from the people. He gave the bottle to him after he drunk a beer, I am not the same person but I did the same thing as the poor Swedish people do in here.
After that, my host come to the station to pick me up to his place. He is a guy from Sweden. We went to a student bar after we dropped my luggedge at his place. The price in a bar is much cheaper than Norway especially in student one. To tell the truth, I didn't go any bar in Norway mainly because of the price. Moreover I am not the person who want to go a bar alone. I bought a beer or wine from a shop when I want to drink. That was the life in Norway. That's why this is the bar after Turku in Finland as my memory. With his friend we talked about my traveling experience and was pretty good night!
I woak up at 10am in the morning on Saturday. After eating breakfast, I left to Linkoping which is located about 50 km south from Norkoping.
The next host is a girl from Sweden. Because of her friend's offer we went to her frined's place to have a dinner with red wine. She is a person who is studing medicine and I met her friend's who also studying medicine at Linkoping. Some of her frind's had an experience to come to Japan and I really enjoyed talking with them especially. One thing what I want to write is that I tried Swedish snooth which is similar to tabacco but it's much stronger than tabacco, because the nicotine will directly come to my blood making a crazy feeling. Actually, I had a chance to try in Norway as well but I refuse to do it because it might be bad for my health. After 5-10 minutes started to have it on between my lip and teeth, I feel like that I am drinking. My brain feels like shaking and I felt it on to the paper. Very strong! Enough for once in a life time, maybe...!
However, I tried to do it three times at that night. I was crazy!
I had a chance to go to club at that night but I had enough experience with her and her friend, that's why I didn't go there. To tell the truth, I was in a club only once when I was in Estonia (I had a dog experience, anyway!). I enjoyed dancing and drinking in there but I still somehow couldn't find out the cost performance out of there. I think one of the reason I am originally from Japan and we have very few club in our city. Instead we have a lot of caraoke which are suitable for our culture I think.
In short, I enjoyed night life in Sweden!
Yuji @ Motala, Sweden
You are the Representative!!!!

Since I got some snow in Sweden, I obliged to find a place to sleep.
Everything has already wet but I finally find a place to stay at a buss station 25km before Norkopping.
I put up my tent inside of the buss station. Normally when I sleep in the buss station, I don't put up my tent inside because it is too small to put up. But in this time I put up my tent in the buss station because it was big enough to put up. When I was in there after 5-6 pm (because it was dark), I wanted to make a pee outside of the tent. I got out from there and then back to my tent. I didn't notice something happend in the tent and I got inside the tent to stay.
After few seconds when I back to my tent, a small firework started just besides the tent and some teens started to laugh. They made something bad. I was wonderling if I try to scale to them because I feel like bad but at the same time I don't want to make any trouble with them. Finally, I didn't do nothing inside just started to sleep.
It was sad to have this kind of trouble. Of course, I didn't get any permission from anyone to stay in a buss station. But in general I think people can understand what I am doing in the buss station once they see my bicycle and giers which I have. But at the same time people might think that I am clazy because this is not the best season to travel. I am the person who know about that.
For them, teens I think they make som noise for the purpose for their fun but for me they made me what is the people in Sweden. My feeling from Sweden is wrose just because I had that kind of experience. Instead, I am making what is Japanese when I meet the people through this journey. Just before this journey one of my teacher told me that "You are the Japanese Representative in Europe!!" When I heard about his description, I laughed because it is so funny. "Am I representative?" like this. But now, it feels like very normal. I don't know how many people who I haev met in this journey will meet Japanese people again. Even me I met some Japanese in this journey but not too much in Europe.
Most probably people don't care about what I am thinking while I am making a conversation on the road when I want to ask the way to go. I am checking not what but how they are trying to tell me the way, which is not based on their language skill moreover it is a kind of hospitality which they have. I was talking about the number of suiside in Sweden and Japan with former host which he told me Sweden is one of the country having a lot of people died of suiside. Compared to Norwagian people, Swedish they normally thinking too much when they are something to do not that much as I thought in Finland but they have also similar to Japanese identity.
Traveling with wet is not nice but I'll manage to get to Copenhagen in a week.
Yuji @ Norkopping, Sweden
Go To South !

Both my right teeth and jaw has been making a pain. I bought pills in case it will start strongly!
My host offered me to back to Stockholm by train and went with him yesterday. It was nice to go back to there but I feel like the same as I felt first time though I stayed there only 2-3 hours. Stockholm is the city which is smaller than both Helsinki and Oslo. In contrast, when it comes to the middle of the city it is very busy and complicated which similar to London and Tokyo. The city reminds me of my hometown.
Stockholm is located 500 east from Oslo which means that I was headed for east for one week but from now on I am heading for Copenhagen in order to get warm. I am not sure if it is warmer than here. Funny thing yesterday I was checking the weather report and Tokyo was 17C! How warm is there!
Here in Sweden is less than ten degrees but when it is close to 10, I feel like warm interestingly!
Compared to Northern Norway the landscape in Sweden is much more gentle. I saw a lot of gentle hills on the way to Stockholm which reminds me the warm days in Bulgaria. In addition to the geographical feature, now is the fall comes and leaves are falling down from trees which is very beautiful view and feel like I am being back to autumn. No snow in here.
Yesterday I was with my host at supermarket where he is working in there and I help his work a little bit. What I have done in there was just put some things into the shelve to sell customers. I felt that I might get this kind job in UK when I get there but I can also find the similar job in Japan. (Of course, I cannot do it in English!) To live, people have to work but I want to do something special job in UK or somewhere in Europe, which I cannot do in Japan. In order to get this kind of special job I have to develop my English skill, though.
One thing that I have been thinking was that I might get a job at snow park because the season of skiing will come soon. However, I think there is quite less snow park in UK so I have start to think the possibility to work in France or Swiss where there is a lot of snow park in there. To tell the truth, I can play skiing well compared to most of Japanese people even though I am from the city where there is no snow. When I was junior high school student I was participated in National Ski Competition as a representative of my pref. for Cross Country Skiing which is famous for Scandinavian. Should I have to stay here?
I am not too good playing alpine skiing more than that my XC. But it is very nice story if I can get a job in somewhere in France not only for my French study but also for a job which I can make better from my experience.
Anyway, I will go down to south from now on. I hope that I can get to Copenhagen in two weeks!!
Yuji @ Sodertalje, Sweden
Pain of My Jaw

Since I couldn't find anyone who can host me in Stockholm, I was thinking that I can find a place to stay either hostel or somewhere I can stay with a roof. But, finally I decided that I am going out from the city with a short time even thought I really want to stay in there just because it was really beautiful as I saw in Eastern Europe.
The first impression in Sweden was the country similar to Hungary. The common story of these countries is that they have a big power in the middle ages. I am not the expert for world history but as I remember from my brain, both country has lost their power after WWI. Once in Hungary, they have a power of Austria Hungary empire but after the WWI they lost their land and hegemony. In contrast, Sweden has a big power in the middle ages which colonized Finland as well as part of Norway. However, during the War time Sweden was not the country to fight with in any country (like the position of Swiss at the moment) even though they cooperate to Germany to send them to Northern Finland. Different from Norway as well as Finland this country try to preserve those old buildings in all most every city where I have been. In the central part of the city they have a stone pass. I don't know if they want to show "Here is the central part!" but I heard when I was in Poland. This stone passes were made by German soldiers.
About one week passed since I came to this country. Nationality of Sweden is similar to Finnish, which is also similar to Japanese more than that in Norway even though they are still using Krone instead of Euro. What I find out from them as well as when I was in Finland was that both nationality and personality of each person has decided depends of their living standard. People in Sweden, they are very sensitive for foreigners. One of the reason is that they have a lot of both immigrants and refugees from Asia as well as Africa in order to have a good living standard, probably. I haven't ever felt like when I was in Japan that my life will be feared because of those people from other countries but if people live with the money supported by the government of my own country some people might feel like "why we have to support them to live in my country?"
When I was in the middle of the Stockholm, I asked a person if he can possible to take a picture of me from my camera. And he took me a picture. And then suddenly a girl came to me and she tried to take a picture of me as he took and I was smiling to be taken. Then few seconds later, a woman (I doubt if she is the girl's mother) came to me and tried to gave a money to me. I took it naturally with said "Thank you!" but soon a question came to me "why did I take?" She gave a money to me to think that I am a poor person or just try to show appreciate to my cooperation? If so, she didn't have to gave money to me! Was I hunger to money?
After that there was another place where I wanted to be taken a picture from someone of my camera and I asked a person again and I was taken a picture from the man. And suddenly another woman came to me and she said "Now you are rich man!!" Probably she thought that I am trying to take some money from the people on the street to be taken some pictures and I feel like also "What?"
It is not easy to travel in the central capital especially the place be full of tourist.
To tell the truth, I have been traveling with little money as much as I can but recently I start to think that I am going to use money more than that before I will be in a sick to think much about money.
I don't know if it is stress or not, my right jaw has started to pain strongly. To tell the truth, it has been since one more month ago but it has not been painful as I am facing with at the moment. Or even it is just my bad teeth because of eating too much of sweet like chocolate as well as strawberry jam, which I really like to eat through this journey!
Today is a resting day after Oslo but I feel like still tired. But, I will manage to get to Copenhagen to find something New!!!
Yuji @ Sodertalja, Sweden
PS. local newspaper from Karlstad made an interview of me! Now I am a little bit famous in Sweden!
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