Have you ever heard "Bratislava"?
The is the capital city of Slovakia. And this is the only capital that I have never heard before this trip has started. Most Japanese people don't know much about Bratislava, do you?
The first impression of this city was that there were a lot of traces of old communism like Bucurste, the capital of Romania. Bratislava is located near Vienna, 60 km to west, Prague, 500km to northwest and Budapest, 200km to east. The reason why Bratislava is not famous for the people in Japan is that still I don't know. But I thought that is because of the buildings, as it were, the trace of communism. The place where is beautiful city such as Budapest and Istanbul has a beautiful architecture in common. That is a main reason why people want to go there. I am not except for that. By the way the distance from Bratislava to Vienna is about 60km as I said. But for me it takes about 1000km because I will go to Poland and Germany before I go to Vienna. That's funny, isn't it?.
Slovakia is a first Euro country of this travel. At the same time, this is the first Euro country of my life.I think those people who go to Slovakia as a first Euro country is quite few. Because, in this year Euro has introduced in Slovakia. Before that they used Colna as a national currency. There is a differences, I mean 1 euro=30 colna, I checked at a Pab. I heard that other european countries which I have passed like Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania will introduce euro in 2012. The border getting close. Actually, but I don't know whether, today when I crossed over a border from Hungary to Slovakia, there was no checkpoint of my passport. I have no stamps on my passport. But isn't it illegal stay? I have never checked of my passport except for checkpoint, so I think it would be fine.
At the pub, I watched the final of European champions league on Barcelona vs Manchester United, it doesn't matter for me which team will win or lose. I just wanted to see a super play!! Every year this league has held to decide the strongest club team in Europe. Fortunately, I had watched two times of the semifinal at Bulgaria, Pleven and Ruse. So it is nice of me to have a chance to the final. The result as you know, Barcelona won!! Whichever I prefer ManU because it is England. But at the pub, I felt the supporter for Barcelona was a much better than ManU. Anyway, I like the couch at Barcelona. He was really funny!! And he was pleased with the second half losstime goal at the semi-final much to the opponent[Liverpool?] to make his tie up in the air.
Tomorrow I will serch the reason why Bratislava is not so famous for Japanese people!!
Coming to Uganda as a Primary School Teacher. I'm a member of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers(JOCV), related to ODA.
My Meal
What I eat while I am traveling?
Just imagine....
People who lives in the Europe they eat bread as a main food.
I follow them. Of course, they sometimes eat rice and fish, but mainly they eat bread and meat I heard.
So, my foods and drink while traveling are;
-can of meat
-fruit juice
-a beer
Sometimes, I go to a restaurant but normally I bought it from supermarket and eat them near side of a road or inside of the tent.
It is the cheaper way to eat and I think it is enough for me. Because, once I spend some money to eat, it would getting a lot of cost.
By the way I spend a lot of money to eat some of local food at Budapest, I need a hard life at the moment. haha.. But I am satisfied with these food because I can eat as much as I want!! It is different from mountain hiking. Additionally, I drink a beer at the end of a day, that is one of the blissful moment of my journey!! Cool!!
If you go to Europe, why don't you try it!!
Demo yappari nattou ga tabetaissu
Asuha Slovakia ni totsunyu shimasu.
Just imagine....
People who lives in the Europe they eat bread as a main food.
I follow them. Of course, they sometimes eat rice and fish, but mainly they eat bread and meat I heard.
So, my foods and drink while traveling are;
-can of meat
-fruit juice
-a beer
Sometimes, I go to a restaurant but normally I bought it from supermarket and eat them near side of a road or inside of the tent.
It is the cheaper way to eat and I think it is enough for me. Because, once I spend some money to eat, it would getting a lot of cost.
By the way I spend a lot of money to eat some of local food at Budapest, I need a hard life at the moment. haha.. But I am satisfied with these food because I can eat as much as I want!! It is different from mountain hiking. Additionally, I drink a beer at the end of a day, that is one of the blissful moment of my journey!! Cool!!
If you go to Europe, why don't you try it!!
Demo yappari nattou ga tabetaissu
Asuha Slovakia ni totsunyu shimasu.
Pecs to Budapest
Here in Budapest, I doubtly think one of a memorable city of this journey. Beauty is the best description of this city. Who says "No"?
Of course, Budapest is a lot of cars and people like another capital such as Sofia and Bucurest which I have already been to. But here I don't know exact number, but a lot of turist visit to here from all over the world. I met some of Japanese but I couldn't talk to them. Just I don't want to talk with them because I need to use Japanese.
Anyway, when I stay at Pecs I went to Hungary medical school. Some Japanese student studies there to be a doctor. As I told you(not all) one of my dream is to work as a doctor in the developing country. That is why, I visited there because the school has a English progarm to be a doctor.
The school is almost the same in Japanese school. Of couse I am not sure because I am student of low. But building, the environment of study are almost the same. The language is the only difference between Japan and Hungary I felt.
When I stay at Pecs, my host was Polish guy. And his roomate was Japanese!! I forgot what was his majour. But he takes lessons in English I heard. I felt it was strange because people who is from other contries they study in English instead of common lunguage which uses in that country. The reason I don't know. Becauses it is cheaper than the native countries? This English program is also took by Polish guy. And a lot of students, mainly they are from europe, learn thier major in English. The number of student is over 100 I heard.
I felt like that this kind of English course is one of a business in Hungary.
Don't you think so? I need more reserch...
Asu ha Kita he mukaimasu.
Of course, Budapest is a lot of cars and people like another capital such as Sofia and Bucurest which I have already been to. But here I don't know exact number, but a lot of turist visit to here from all over the world. I met some of Japanese but I couldn't talk to them. Just I don't want to talk with them because I need to use Japanese.
Anyway, when I stay at Pecs I went to Hungary medical school. Some Japanese student studies there to be a doctor. As I told you(not all) one of my dream is to work as a doctor in the developing country. That is why, I visited there because the school has a English progarm to be a doctor.
The school is almost the same in Japanese school. Of couse I am not sure because I am student of low. But building, the environment of study are almost the same. The language is the only difference between Japan and Hungary I felt.
When I stay at Pecs, my host was Polish guy. And his roomate was Japanese!! I forgot what was his majour. But he takes lessons in English I heard. I felt it was strange because people who is from other contries they study in English instead of common lunguage which uses in that country. The reason I don't know. Becauses it is cheaper than the native countries? This English program is also took by Polish guy. And a lot of students, mainly they are from europe, learn thier major in English. The number of student is over 100 I heard.
I felt like that this kind of English course is one of a business in Hungary.
Don't you think so? I need more reserch...
Asu ha Kita he mukaimasu.
Speed on my bicycle
What do you think how many km/h on my bicycle?
On my bicycle, I attached speed meter before this trip has started. It has worked well, but the display on avarage speed has broken two or three weeks ago. I think it is about 16-18 km now.
So in this time, I will explain what I feel on each speed and situation from bottom to up.
5km- when I push on the bicycle to the peak on a road: My twist is screaming.
10km-I can ride on my bicycle but still up to the top(about 7%) :work harder and will be my mustle pain
15km-a little bit up to the road or flat road against wind: I don't like this speed to continue more than 1o minute, I am close to shout!
20km-flat road or down on the road : comfortable!!
25km-down on the road: pretty good!!
30km-I don't need to move on my pedal: that's nice!!
35km-taking care to the cars because I am speedy: my world is opening!!
4okm-nobody can stop me, it depends on the gravety:just say ahaaaaaaa!!
45km-Are there any dogs can bite me?: who cares on your big mouth!!
50km-Everything is moving, I am moving on the earth: still working well.
And for the time being , my maximum speed was 59.5km!!
I want to break the wall of 60 km/h before I reach the wall of Berlin!! haha!!
Asuha Budapest ni tsukimasu.
On my bicycle, I attached speed meter before this trip has started. It has worked well, but the display on avarage speed has broken two or three weeks ago. I think it is about 16-18 km now.
So in this time, I will explain what I feel on each speed and situation from bottom to up.
5km- when I push on the bicycle to the peak on a road: My twist is screaming.
10km-I can ride on my bicycle but still up to the top(about 7%) :work harder and will be my mustle pain
15km-a little bit up to the road or flat road against wind: I don't like this speed to continue more than 1o minute, I am close to shout!
20km-flat road or down on the road : comfortable!!
25km-down on the road: pretty good!!
30km-I don't need to move on my pedal: that's nice!!
35km-taking care to the cars because I am speedy: my world is opening!!
4okm-nobody can stop me, it depends on the gravety:just say ahaaaaaaa!!
45km-Are there any dogs can bite me?: who cares on your big mouth!!
50km-Everything is moving, I am moving on the earth: still working well.
And for the time being , my maximum speed was 59.5km!!
I want to break the wall of 60 km/h before I reach the wall of Berlin!! haha!!
Asuha Budapest ni tsukimasu.
English as a language
Hungary ni kimashita.
Zitensha senyou re-n gaari sukoshi nishigawani chikaduite kitakana toiu insyouwo ukemasu.
Romania ni kirabete tatemonoga kireidesu, umagagu-n toheri zidousya syakaidesu.
Dear ALL
Hello!! Yuji in Baja, in Hungary.
Summer has come in here. It is around 25 degree celsius in the afternoon!! Too hot for bicycle!!
The bicycle is still good and I am fine, that's all.
By the way, I noticed that how English has made, how it has a big differences in Japanese language while I was riding on a bicycle. Of course, I heard and learned in English before I started this journey. But I definetly noticed today!
The most important thing when I speak in English is that what is a subject and priorities of each word. In other words, we should say firstly what I really want to say!! As you know, when you speak Japanese we decide the sentence in the end whether you noticed or not I heard. But today, I really find out the importance of the subject and the priorities.
I hope this would be one of the good notice those people who want to learn English and on my brain!!! But, still I couldn't explain what I really want to say but I think it won't be long before that I say anything what I want to say!! My English will be getting better and better, won't you?
Zitensha senyou re-n gaari sukoshi nishigawani chikaduite kitakana toiu insyouwo ukemasu.
Romania ni kirabete tatemonoga kireidesu, umagagu-n toheri zidousya syakaidesu.
Dear ALL
Hello!! Yuji in Baja, in Hungary.
Summer has come in here. It is around 25 degree celsius in the afternoon!! Too hot for bicycle!!
The bicycle is still good and I am fine, that's all.
By the way, I noticed that how English has made, how it has a big differences in Japanese language while I was riding on a bicycle. Of course, I heard and learned in English before I started this journey. But I definetly noticed today!
The most important thing when I speak in English is that what is a subject and priorities of each word. In other words, we should say firstly what I really want to say!! As you know, when you speak Japanese we decide the sentence in the end whether you noticed or not I heard. But today, I really find out the importance of the subject and the priorities.
I hope this would be one of the good notice those people who want to learn English and on my brain!!! But, still I couldn't explain what I really want to say but I think it won't be long before that I say anything what I want to say!! My English will be getting better and better, won't you?
One Third (over 2000km from Istanbul)
Kokkyouno machini yattekimashita.
Romaniano taizaiha kyoudeoshimai.
Asuha Hungaryni mukaimasu.
Dear ALL
I came to Timishoara, which is one of the border city to Hungary.
So, today is the 17th of May, I have spend almost 1 month when I started this trip which means I have just 2 months remaining. "How fast it is!!"
During this travel I sometimes think about "Why I am here?", "What is the reason to stay in one of the eastern European country ?" Of course, I know that the time when I think about it is not good because normally I just find out a negative answer.
Before I come back to my home, I definitely will decide what I am going to do next. Still I have several choice, but I have the only one, I need to decide which way I am heading for.
Not exactly, but recently I can find out I want to work at a international environment such as United Nations. To be able to work at UN, I need to use several language, I think I need to master at least 2 languages,which are the official language at UN , except for mother tongue.
For Romanian people their language is similar to Spanish, French and Italian. They are the same Latin languages. In fact, people in Romania they can understand almost 70% when they talk to Spanish or Italian!! But Japanese...
I thought about these kind of things. And I finally come to the clear conclusion.
I am going to learn English and French before the end of this travel, at the same time I will study Germany as much as I can!
To talk with people, to learn a lot from them, to teach everything what I known and to go wherever I want!!
Sweet Dreams,
Romaniano taizaiha kyoudeoshimai.
Asuha Hungaryni mukaimasu.
Dear ALL
I came to Timishoara, which is one of the border city to Hungary.
So, today is the 17th of May, I have spend almost 1 month when I started this trip which means I have just 2 months remaining. "How fast it is!!"
During this travel I sometimes think about "Why I am here?", "What is the reason to stay in one of the eastern European country ?" Of course, I know that the time when I think about it is not good because normally I just find out a negative answer.
Before I come back to my home, I definitely will decide what I am going to do next. Still I have several choice, but I have the only one, I need to decide which way I am heading for.
Not exactly, but recently I can find out I want to work at a international environment such as United Nations. To be able to work at UN, I need to use several language, I think I need to master at least 2 languages,which are the official language at UN , except for mother tongue.
For Romanian people their language is similar to Spanish, French and Italian. They are the same Latin languages. In fact, people in Romania they can understand almost 70% when they talk to Spanish or Italian!! But Japanese...
I thought about these kind of things. And I finally come to the clear conclusion.
I am going to learn English and French before the end of this travel, at the same time I will study Germany as much as I can!
To talk with people, to learn a lot from them, to teach everything what I known and to go wherever I want!!
Sweet Dreams,
Matamata sutekina deaini megumaremashita. tentoseikatsukara nuke hutatabi kazoku to shizen no aini tsutsumarete imasu. Arukunino utsukushisaha tokaidehanaku inakaniarunodato watashiha omimasu.
Dear ALL
Good Evening!! Today, I stayed at a village near Sebes in Romania. I will stay at 4 or 5 days in this country. After that, I will go to Hungary, one of the high light country of this trip I hope as a shightseeing.
So, in this time, I am going to express my appreciation for everyone who cooperate with me from Turkey to here. I spent 21 night of this trip. Most of all, I stayed at a house where I just knew through the internet. I just stayed 1 night at hotel and 5 nights at tent, except for that I stayed at house!!
The day when I started on this trip was April 22nd and that night I stayed at the Istanbul international airport. And then,
23,24 at Furkan's house
Furkan was a muslim and really gentleman!!
25 at parking on a highway
People who works at highway gave me a meal and good bed.
26 at Hotel@Edine
The last night at Turkey!
27 at tent
Dogs were so noisy!
28,29,30 at Atanas's house
He was a father of Bulgaria and wonderful encounter!
May 1,2 at Trendafilov brother's house
They must be one of the best friendship brothers in the world!
3 at Ivan's house
He is a colleagues of Atanas!
4 at tent
Still they were barking!! (But I finally get a ultrasound)
5 at Chase's house
He works at Pleven as a volunteer worker from Chicago!
6 at Neshka's house
She and her boyfriend were so nice to me!
7,8 at Pinky's house
The first&second night at Romania
9 at tent
that was so beautiful night!(as above) I barked for dogs!
10 at Silviu's house
I felt that how Romania is a Latin country!!
11,12 at tent
I feared thunders!
13 at Liviu's house
a love of family
That was everything where I slept of this trip, I blessed a lot of love and luck.
Those offer were not nomal, as it were, special!!! I never forget those people who provide a good place to sleep and meal for me!!
And I hope I will find another connections with appreciation for them and keep myself safe until the end of this trip!!!
Thank you very much, for all!!!
Up and Down
Transilvania chihou no Sibiu toiu machini kimashita.
"Romania zindesuka?"to kikuto "Transilvaniazin dayo" tteiwaremasu.
Hanbunzyoudan Hanbunhontou nanodesyou.
Dear ALL
Today I reached at Sibiu, in the central city of the Transilvania district I think.
It is pretty hot day, like in summer in Japan. However, it was much rain and thwnder last night. Unfortunately, I stayed at tent. So, I couldn't sleep well. But, no thwnder dropped on my tent, I was lucky!!
In these three days I came from capital and I have passed at Transilvanian city, Brasov, Sighisoara and here. Every city is pretty beautiful like in Oxford and of course there were beautiful mountains. I want to stay all days in here if not rains.
By the way, do you know what is common between roads, mountains and life?
The answer has already written in a title.
When I come to the up in a road I need to get out of the bicycle and push it up to the top. But, after that, I don't need to push my pedals. That is one of the best moment on my trip! How cool it is!! Those conditions are sometimes influence on my feelings such as weather, wind, and road. But the difference of the two and the life is whether there is feeling or not.
Mountains are always standing there.
Roads are always continuing there.
But, life would be changed by myself.
There is no rute like mountains and roads.
I am the only one who can make for my future!!
"Romania zindesuka?"to kikuto "Transilvaniazin dayo" tteiwaremasu.
Hanbunzyoudan Hanbunhontou nanodesyou.
Dear ALL
Today I reached at Sibiu, in the central city of the Transilvania district I think.
It is pretty hot day, like in summer in Japan. However, it was much rain and thwnder last night. Unfortunately, I stayed at tent. So, I couldn't sleep well. But, no thwnder dropped on my tent, I was lucky!!
In these three days I came from capital and I have passed at Transilvanian city, Brasov, Sighisoara and here. Every city is pretty beautiful like in Oxford and of course there were beautiful mountains. I want to stay all days in here if not rains.
By the way, do you know what is common between roads, mountains and life?
The answer has already written in a title.
When I come to the up in a road I need to get out of the bicycle and push it up to the top. But, after that, I don't need to push my pedals. That is one of the best moment on my trip! How cool it is!! Those conditions are sometimes influence on my feelings such as weather, wind, and road. But the difference of the two and the life is whether there is feeling or not.
Mountains are always standing there.
Roads are always continuing there.
But, life would be changed by myself.
There is no rute like mountains and roads.
I am the only one who can make for my future!!
The Meaning of Journey
Kankouchiniha hitogataklusan minna isogashisoudesu
watashiha inakanohouga sukidesu
Dear ALL
As I said yesterday, I am thinking about what kind of style of my journey.
I am still not sure but I think or hope my journey is not same like a tour.
In my dictionary, tour describes as follows; a trip for pleasure, during which you visit several different towns, areas etc. Compared to tour, traveling is as follows; the act or activity of going from one place to another, especially places that are far away. And sightseeing is as follows; the activity of visiting famous or interesting places, especially as a tourist.
What I insist on here is that my journey is neither sightseeing nor tour.
Today, I went to Bucharest to do shightseeing. Of couse, it was interesting but at the same time it was boring because I was alone. When I went to Istanbul and Sofia as a sightseeing , I went to with my friend. However, in this time I went to alone! I decided that I never go to a sightseeing by alone!!!
From this experience, I noticed one thing.
The purpose of my sightseeing at Istanbul or Sofia were not just to see beautiful building but talking and pleasure to the person who is next to me.
I would be able to go the same place to come after 5 or 10 years later as a sightseeing, but I don't think that I am going to meet everyone who met in my journey and plan the same journey of my life.
As it were, the person who I met with my journey is Now or Never.
Even if a meeting is just once, or if so, I need to cherish the meeting.
It is said that in Japanese like this; Ichigo Ichie.
Don't forget and keep in my mind.
watashiha inakanohouga sukidesu
Dear ALL
As I said yesterday, I am thinking about what kind of style of my journey.
I am still not sure but I think or hope my journey is not same like a tour.
In my dictionary, tour describes as follows; a trip for pleasure, during which you visit several different towns, areas etc. Compared to tour, traveling is as follows; the act or activity of going from one place to another, especially places that are far away. And sightseeing is as follows; the activity of visiting famous or interesting places, especially as a tourist.
What I insist on here is that my journey is neither sightseeing nor tour.
Today, I went to Bucharest to do shightseeing. Of couse, it was interesting but at the same time it was boring because I was alone. When I went to Istanbul and Sofia as a sightseeing , I went to with my friend. However, in this time I went to alone! I decided that I never go to a sightseeing by alone!!!
From this experience, I noticed one thing.
The purpose of my sightseeing at Istanbul or Sofia were not just to see beautiful building but talking and pleasure to the person who is next to me.
I would be able to go the same place to come after 5 or 10 years later as a sightseeing, but I don't think that I am going to meet everyone who met in my journey and plan the same journey of my life.
As it were, the person who I met with my journey is Now or Never.
Even if a meeting is just once, or if so, I need to cherish the meeting.
It is said that in Japanese like this; Ichigo Ichie.
Don't forget and keep in my mind.
Over the Donau
Donaugawawo koete Romaniani kimashita.
Takusanno deaini kansyashite kichounazikanwo taisetsuni sugoshiteimasu.
Dear ALL
Bucharest is the capital. This is the first city of Romania which is the third country of my journey.
City is a place where people is heading for. From this view, there is not so big differences between Istanbul, Sofia, and Bucharest including in Tokyo.
While I am staying at village, I want to go to city. Instead of this, when I am staying at a city, I want to go to countryside.
Like this way, when I am alone, I want to talk with people. While I am talking with people I want to be alone.
Two weeks has passed when I leave for UK.
I don't know exactly, but I think I might need some change of my style of jouney.
I feel like a little bit busy, so I lost something important things which I haven't noticed.
Thinking trip has already started.
Takusanno deaini kansyashite kichounazikanwo taisetsuni sugoshiteimasu.
Dear ALL
Bucharest is the capital. This is the first city of Romania which is the third country of my journey.
City is a place where people is heading for. From this view, there is not so big differences between Istanbul, Sofia, and Bucharest including in Tokyo.
While I am staying at village, I want to go to city. Instead of this, when I am staying at a city, I want to go to countryside.
Like this way, when I am alone, I want to talk with people. While I am talking with people I want to be alone.
Two weeks has passed when I leave for UK.
I don't know exactly, but I think I might need some change of my style of jouney.
I feel like a little bit busy, so I lost something important things which I haven't noticed.
Thinking trip has already started.
Golden week

goldenweek ha ikaga osugoshidesyouka?
watashiha zitnsyano kogisugika sukoshi ashiga tsukaremashita.
kyouha 50km kuraihashitte ashitanisonaeteimasu.
Dear ALL
How was the weather in Japan?
In these three days, it has been a pretty good weather in here. And like in Japan, Bulgaria is a long holiday. People in city go back to their town and city is pretty silent and peaceful.
Anyway, I reached at Belene in the northern part of Bulgarian town and river side of Dunav. Everything is beautiful except for garbeges. People in Bulgaria sometimes throw thier garbege away and town getting dirty. It takes a little time to understand that throwing garbege is a bad habit I heard.
By the way, I stayed at an apartment of an American guy. His English is easy to listen compared to yesterday one. But before I go to England I need to good listener in British English.
While I am riding on the bicycle today, I didn't listen to Beatles. Instead, I just say to myself all on the bicycle. There is no teacher and no listener but I feel like speaking English well. It would be a good way to have a confident in English!! ha ha!!
Tomorrow, I'll go to Ruse, which is the last city in Bulgaria.
Lastly, I atacched some recent pictures which I taken.
See you later,

On a road
Pleven toiu machi ni kimashita. takusan hitoga atsumatteimasu.
zitensyaryokouha hontouni toshiga koishiku narimasu.
Dear ALL
I just reached at Pleven, which is around 120km from Sofia. The staying at Sofia was really great. I spent my time with my hosts who are the best friendship brothers in the world and also Brazilan girl. Sofia is a capital but it is not so big city like in Tokyo.
These two days are really good weather and pretty comfortable on bike. Actually, I repaired the front giar with older brother and he have a good skill. The giar has really worked well than I thought.
That's why I can come to here easily!!
On my way to Pleven, I learned a lot. I just want to write two things.
Firstly, I met two English guys while I traveled. One is a man around 30 years old. The other is a girl. The are traveled together right now. But, the girl traveled just 4 days ago. And the man is traveled from Israel by walk. Suprisingly, he walks 20km per day heading for England.
According to his information, I think we will meet again when I reach at England.
Secondly, when I passed a countryside at Blugaria I met a woman on the edge of the road. I really didn't know what she was doing. Then I asked her "what are you doing?" and she said "I am waiting for a man who will sex with me. " and I answered"OK, sorry to interupt " and "why not?" she said.
Once, I heard that a girl should protect her body. But I thought that a girl can sell her body insted.
It smells like developing countries.
Riding on a bicycle with keep myself safe.
See you soon,
zitensyaryokouha hontouni toshiga koishiku narimasu.
Dear ALL
I just reached at Pleven, which is around 120km from Sofia. The staying at Sofia was really great. I spent my time with my hosts who are the best friendship brothers in the world and also Brazilan girl. Sofia is a capital but it is not so big city like in Tokyo.
These two days are really good weather and pretty comfortable on bike. Actually, I repaired the front giar with older brother and he have a good skill. The giar has really worked well than I thought.
That's why I can come to here easily!!
On my way to Pleven, I learned a lot. I just want to write two things.
Firstly, I met two English guys while I traveled. One is a man around 30 years old. The other is a girl. The are traveled together right now. But, the girl traveled just 4 days ago. And the man is traveled from Israel by walk. Suprisingly, he walks 20km per day heading for England.
According to his information, I think we will meet again when I reach at England.
Secondly, when I passed a countryside at Blugaria I met a woman on the edge of the road. I really didn't know what she was doing. Then I asked her "what are you doing?" and she said "I am waiting for a man who will sex with me. " and I answered"OK, sorry to interupt " and "why not?" she said.
Once, I heard that a girl should protect her body. But I thought that a girl can sell her body insted.
It smells like developing countries.
Riding on a bicycle with keep myself safe.
See you soon,
A Date at Sofia
kankouchi ni kimashita.
Zitensha ryokou ha tokai ga koishiku narimasu.
Dear ALL
Good mornig!!
I am still at Sofia. Yesterday, I went to downtown at Sofia and hang around with a girl, who is a student at University of Sofia. And she is studying Japanese and speaks pretty good Japanese.
Actually, she has studied in Japanese for 2 years when she entered in the University. And she also speak in English, she is really smart girl!!
I never thought that people who lives in Blugaria study Japanese. In fact, I heard that only 2 universities can study Japanese. I think there is not so much teacher to teach Japanese in Blugaria. For me, I will never learn Bulugarian before I study European language like Germany and French. But, I just started to learn Kililu character (kilikumozi) to read the name of the city in Bulugaria. If I need, I would learn!!
By the way, she have been to Japan last year. And she also going to Japan next year, if possible. For the time being, my English is worse than her English. I hope by the when she come to Japan, my English is better than her Japanese!! And I can speak Ggermany and French!!
To be a internationalist,
Zitensha ryokou ha tokai ga koishiku narimasu.
Dear ALL
Good mornig!!
I am still at Sofia. Yesterday, I went to downtown at Sofia and hang around with a girl, who is a student at University of Sofia. And she is studying Japanese and speaks pretty good Japanese.
Actually, she has studied in Japanese for 2 years when she entered in the University. And she also speak in English, she is really smart girl!!
I never thought that people who lives in Blugaria study Japanese. In fact, I heard that only 2 universities can study Japanese. I think there is not so much teacher to teach Japanese in Blugaria. For me, I will never learn Bulugarian before I study European language like Germany and French. But, I just started to learn Kililu character (kilikumozi) to read the name of the city in Bulugaria. If I need, I would learn!!
By the way, she have been to Japan last year. And she also going to Japan next year, if possible. For the time being, my English is worse than her English. I hope by the when she come to Japan, my English is better than her Japanese!! And I can speak Ggermany and French!!
To be a internationalist,
A Rainny Day
Amenohi ha oyasumishiyou
Dear ALL
I reached at Sofia, the capital city in Blugaria.
Yesterday I slept with a Malaysian girl and today I sleep with a Brazilian girl.(not in one bed)
This is so internationalistic, isn't it?
By the way, today I rode on a bicycle more than 130km in a rain. When I woak up in the morning, it was not so much rain. So, I decided to go. Rain is not good for bicycle, but I stayed at Plovdiv 3 days. It is too much I thought.
Of course, my bag is warter proof and I put on a rain court. Then I started. But actually, it was too hard for me to bycicle in a rain. Firstly, the bicycle is heavey. It needs too much power than sunny day. Secondly, it is dangerous. Cars and trucks are faster than Japan. And they might slip when roads are wet. In addition, my eyesight is not so good. I can see just 50-100 meters.
That's why, I reached at Sofia at 9 pm with wet suits!! It takes more than 11 hours.
I decided not to go when it's rain. But I learned a lots from the experience.
I heard that rainny day is not good for a bicycle, but for me, of what?
Just do it, it gaves me a good answer.
Tomorrow, I will stay at Sofia. And, the next day I am going to Pleven, in the northwestern part of Bulugaria. Then to Ruse and Rumania, that would be the third country of my trip.
And I hope my English is getting better day by day!!
Good Night for all,
Dear ALL
I reached at Sofia, the capital city in Blugaria.
Yesterday I slept with a Malaysian girl and today I sleep with a Brazilian girl.(not in one bed)
This is so internationalistic, isn't it?
By the way, today I rode on a bicycle more than 130km in a rain. When I woak up in the morning, it was not so much rain. So, I decided to go. Rain is not good for bicycle, but I stayed at Plovdiv 3 days. It is too much I thought.
Of course, my bag is warter proof and I put on a rain court. Then I started. But actually, it was too hard for me to bycicle in a rain. Firstly, the bicycle is heavey. It needs too much power than sunny day. Secondly, it is dangerous. Cars and trucks are faster than Japan. And they might slip when roads are wet. In addition, my eyesight is not so good. I can see just 50-100 meters.
That's why, I reached at Sofia at 9 pm with wet suits!! It takes more than 11 hours.
I decided not to go when it's rain. But I learned a lots from the experience.
I heard that rainny day is not good for a bicycle, but for me, of what?
Just do it, it gaves me a good answer.
Tomorrow, I will stay at Sofia. And, the next day I am going to Pleven, in the northwestern part of Bulugaria. Then to Ruse and Rumania, that would be the third country of my trip.
And I hope my English is getting better day by day!!
Good Night for all,
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